Latest Past Events

Wild Goose Festival Presents Wisdom Camp 2019: New Seeds of Integration

Hot Springs Spa & Resort 314 Bridge St., Hot Springs

New Seeds of Integration: A Wide-Awake Contemplative Experience "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but blessed are those who heed wisdom's way." — Proverbs 29:18 Wisdom: A way of sensing, seeing, and perceiving the sometimes-hidden wholeness behind reality; greater conscious connections between Spirit, self, others, and world. Contemplative practices: Ways of exercising our Wisdom-perceiving muscles.  […]


Healthy and Holy: A 24-Hour Retreat

Exploring the image of God in ourselves, our bodies, and our relationships - register here. What if you could take a day to ground in what's real: For your spiritual sensitivity For your physical vitality For your emotional vibrancy  For your relational harmony For 24 hours in February, we'll spend time together diving into just such wisdom and experience. Healthy. […]

U Day: Land of Origins – World Interspiritual Music Festival

Unnamed Venue Addis Ababa

U DAY brings together artists, activists, spiritual leaders and entrepreneurs from across the globe - all who are working for the realization of universal spiritual values – peace, justice, hope, and unity. By coming together with people of good-faith from all walks of life, we support and nurture each other’s endeavors. We draw inspiration and energy from realizing that We Are Many – fighting the good fight, each in their own arenas towards Peace & Progress on our planet.