Who doesn’t? Ten years ago – in 1999 – I thought that civilization was going to collapse on January 1, 2000. Not for any divinely-mandated apocalyptic reasons, mind you; it was all about the ‘computer bug.’ Computers would think it was 1900 due to only having two digit-spaces for the year, and all heckfire would break loose. It was a great time in those days; folks from my church were stockpiling food & weapons. At school, my friend nicknamed me ‘Y2K’ and filmed a mock video of me recruiting for an apocalyptic Y2K cult on campus – that is, before I took a year off following the Fall 1998 semester to prepare for The Collapse. The name ‘Y2K’ stuck…I wonder why? I need to digitize that video sometime. Anyway, among this particular cadre of friends the reputation of “Mike the Cult Leader” has playfully stuck around (or maybe not-so-playfully in the case of my dear old friend Billy, who’s convinced that I’m spiritually & politically off the rails, and bound for cultic greatness), and so I tend to notice it when videos like this make the rounds (thanks, Brittian!)
“Don’t you want devoted followers who’ll leave their families for you, give their money, their body, and their mind to you, consider you God and kill for you? If yes…watch this preparatory video.”
Ahh…gotta love it. Say, I wonder if Pastor Mark or Pastor Perry have seen this?
Creepily familiar! LOL
Wow… that was long. I am really really really hypnotized.