Food & Faith Futures Survey!

It’s research time! I’m conducting 3-in-1 survey about the ways faith communities grow, prepare, share and eat food.

Please take my survey if you’re part of a:

  • New Monastic community
  • Catholic Worker community
  • House Church
  • Eco-village
  • Co-housing community
  • Intentional community of any kind
  • …or a congregation unusually committed to matters of food justice and/or sustainability.

This survey will take you anywhere from 10-20 minutes (it’s kind’ve choose-your-own adventure*). I plan to share some of your responses with fellow-communities around the globe in three ways:

  1. As part of this fall’s upcoming Food, Faith, and Sustainability issue of Conspire Magazine;
  2. As part of an MSF graduate-level research project I’m doing on the future of food in the Western Hemisphere among people of faith & the general population; and
  3. As part of my upcoming book (hopeful publication: Fall 2012) on God-as-nourishment, Jesus’ scandalous meal-sharing practices, and what we can all do to change our food systems for the better.

By completing this survey you agree to have your info used for 1 & 2; if I’d like to use your story in 3, I’ll be in further touch. You’ll be properly and fully credited for any of the above – unless you’d prefer to remain anonymous, in which case please let me know in the text of the final question.

*There is ample space in this survey to tell stories, essay-style, about your community’s food experiences in various areas. You don’t have to share any stories, but each one you share will make a difference as to the quality of this research. If you have longer stories you’d like to share with me, I welcome them. Please send them as attachments to me at the email address provided in the survey.

Please have your responses to me no later than next Thursday, August 25th – and the earlier the better, really, especially for the Conspire piece.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you so much!

Take the Food & Faith Futures Survey!

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