‘End-Times Remixed’ – This Book Will Change Your World (& It’s FREE)


What comes to mind when you think of ‘the end-times’ or ‘the return of Jesus’?

For some, this is a tired topic, about as relevant as underwater basket weaving.

For others, it literally defines their lives.

For many, ideas about eschatology fuel their passion & faith in God; for still many others, those same teachings have caused untold pain.

From the 1970s – 1990s, books about ‘the end of the world as we know it’ became best-sellers that fueled entire cottage industries. But as the first decade of the 21st century seems to mirror more & more a real-life apocalypse now, it seems like Christians are questioning their inherited assumptions. At the same time, people of goodwill from all faith backgrounds (or none at all) are questioning the public good of ‘Left Behind’ spirituality. Environmental carelessness, turmoil in the Middle East, and a general attitude of war = end-times progress and peace = the antichrist have caused many journalists, theologians, ministers and ordinary believers to weigh the fruit of these popular ideas. They’ve been weighed and found wanting.

Thankfully there are other resources for faith and practice besides pop-culture interpretations of Revelation. Inquirers have been seeking out Scripture and church history with fresh urgency, to see what Jesus and his earliest followers might have been thinking about ‘the time of the end’ and Jesus’ return.

My friend Kevin Beck of Presence International has written a book exploring just these questions. No dogma remains unwalked; no sacred cow remains un-tipped in his exploration of a better way to tell this Story. Kevin and the folks at Presence have decided that this book is too important to sell – and I agree. Whether you see eye-to-eye with every jot-and-tittle is irrelevant; This Book Will Change Your World lives up to its promise, and deserves to be set free to as many readers as possible.

For this reason, Kevin has enthusiastically agreed to give away a digital edition of this book to everyone who will share it with their friends. You can share it with as few as 3 friends, or you can share it with your whole email address book, which I’m doing.

Kevin wants to share this book with everyone – not to manufacture consent, or tell you what to believe. Rather, his heart is to re-frame a well-worn paradigm and open a conversation, a vital dialogue on what is (spiritually, geopolitically, ecologically – you name it) one of the most urgent matters of our time. To get your free copy of This Book Will Change Your World, go here and click the ‘free e-book’ option. It’ll take you from there. I’m trying to get the word out about this, and I hope you’ll help me. Feel free to post a link to thisbookwillchangeyourworld.com (or my post here) to your blog, Facebook profile, email list, etc…

And let’s discuss it! In the comments here, or on The Ooze.

7 Responses to ‘End-Times Remixed’ – This Book Will Change Your World (& It’s FREE)

  1. JJ January 27, 2009 at 2:35 pm #

    Hey Mike, thanks for posting this. I hadn’t heard that he was doing this yet. I think these new models of distributing our creative work are a very good idea – maybe there is even some redemption in there. We are doing a similar thing with our band’s last CD. Feel free to grab it, the info’s just below the featured video on our Youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/fatblueman).

    Vive le distribution revolution!!

  2. zoecarnate January 27, 2009 at 2:45 pm #

    Hey John, I had no idea you knew Kevin. What a small world! I think you’ll really enjoy This Book Will Change Your World. We pray it opens a vein of much-needed conversation about what we mean by ‘the end’ and how we might be able to see the New Beginnings embedded in the story of the New Covenant.

    Hey, I just downloaded your album! It sounds awesome. You’re right, this new way of distributing does bear the fragrance of a new economy, a new spiritual ecosystem, doesn’t it?

  3. Ellen Haroutunian January 27, 2009 at 4:04 pm #

    This looks good – we have bee talking a lot about this stuff recently in our community. Have you read Eternity Now by Peter Hiett? He’s been talking about these things for a long time. A God of love making all things new – who’d a thunk it? 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. JJ January 29, 2009 at 12:24 am #

    It sure does. I don’t know Kevin, but I have been hearing about the book here and there.

    And good job on this blog. I am just sorry I have been missing out on it.

  5. Kurt Willems January 30, 2009 at 7:44 am #

    Thanks for the book info! Something that I have done much reflection on in the past few years is eschatology. I look forward to the read!

    PS – Thanks for the link on Sites Unseen!

  6. andre June 13, 2009 at 6:58 am #

    Woah! JOHN JANZEN HERE? Mike here? You guys know each other?
    What a tiny island we live on… :O)

    I loved this quote from Kevin:

    “One day God’s patience will run out and he’ll get so fed up that he’ll send Jesus back to earth. Upon his arrival, zombies will come forth from the ground and the planet will miraculously flourish and/or explode.”

    As Homer would say: “WOOHOOO!!”

  7. zoecarnate June 28, 2009 at 5:31 pm #

    Glad you’re enjoying the book, Andre!

    And yes, it is a small world indeed… 🙂

    John, what are you thinking about it?

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