So I haven’t been blogging much lately. It’s almost cliche, longtime bloggers lamenting their lack of time, or greater reliance on Facebook/Twitter/Friendfeed, or life malaise or life busyness – and then saying that they’re hanging their blog up.
All of this describes me –Â and yet I’m not hanging it up. I like to write, and I need to write – so I’m going to step it up. I’m going to taking blogging even more seriously, even if it’s becoming unfashionable. I’m realizing that it’s important to me, as a creative outlet and a life-discipline. But I am going to change up my game somewhat, and open up to blogging metamorphosis. Here’s what you can expect:
More about my personal life.
I’ve always gravitated toward blogs that are more journalistic and commentary-driven in nature, as opposed to the ‘Dear Diary’ types. And I’ve blogged thusly – I haven’t really thought of my personal life as being that interesting. If I’m hooked by someone writing about their personal lives, it’s usually because they have a really catchy style – they’re not Jacques Cousteau or anything. And neither am I. That said, I received an email from a friend of mine a couple of months back. It wasn’t ‘nice.’ Essentially he said “I know what you think about religion and politics, but what about you? What’s going on in your life? Do you have a spiritual pulse?”
I have things to share; I want to be more transparent with you, dear readers. All is not well in Morrell-land. While I’ll not blog about things that involve others to protect the innocent, I am going to open up more about my own life journey, my struggles and glimpses of grace. True confessions time!
My whole-health journey.
Yes, this includes my continuing ROM experience, but it’s so much more. I feel like I’ve been especially slacking in blogging in this area, mostly because I’ve been completely neglecting the fuller context of my whole life. To know why I’m seeking health, you must know the ‘sickness.’ So I’ll be blogging in more detail about ROM processes and results, as well as centering prayer, DoxaSoma, and (yes, even) mental health. Should be fun.
Book reviews & free stuff!
I’ll continue blogging about books I care about, books I’m working with in the Ooze Viral Bloggers platform, and free eBook & audio book downloads I become aware of. In the midst of publishing industry upheaval and information glut, I feel like some very wise, compassionate, and expanding works are being written. I want to do my best to keep you up to date on what I’m seeing here.
The Future
Finally, I want to post more relating to the Future(s) of Everything, related to what I’m seeing in my studies. Expect food futures (no, not pork bellies!) and publishing futures especially.
This will all have the net effect of six-days-a-week blogging, I think. I want to be realistic about what I can do, but I think that thoughtful repurposing of older, supplemental journal material (as I’m exploring some of the ‘personal’ spaces) will carry some of the extra freight. Thank you for reading – I think the best is yet to come!
i’ve been wondering what to do with my stuff as well. do i continue to do church talk, move into more personal things.. or just continue to take a break
I love reading about people’s lives, so I think this is a great direction to take.
Sounds great. I’m enjoying following you. Bring on the transparency. I haven’t blogged in ages. But the book of face has intrigued me, and roped me in. I tend to not have enough time or make enough time for blogging, in preference to connecting with people in my everyday. I’d really like to get more involved in the blogsphere. Working 2 jobs takes it out of me, and having a wife and kids is all-consuming. Plus, I say yes to so many things. 🙂 I just haven’t said yes to the blogosphere yet. Maybe, I’m afraid of vulnerability or permanence online, or maybe I cannot reconcile the broad spectrum of “followers” of family and friends who will judge and what not. I’m so full of pride.
Well, look what spilled out when reading your post. 🙂 LOL
Keep sharing. Thanks.
yay! sounds good. i’m glad you’re not stopping!
…I’m excited.
Looking forward to it, Mike.
I understand where you’re coming from! I feel like I’ve been neglecting my Blog of the Grateful Bear lately, in large part because of my involvement with family responsibilities (my dad’s ongoing illnesses), but also, like you mentioned, a greater reliance on Facebook. For the last few months I’ve been double-posting my blog entries as “Notes” on my Facebook page – and getting far more comments on Facebook than on the blog.
I’ll keep the blog, because my stats show about 200 people check it out each week, and not everyone is on Facebook (yet). I think the blog is a good place to let people know about the books I’m reading and other important things in my life, like the new Emergent Cohort we’ve formed in the ‘burbs of metro Atlanta. Also, there are several blogs I absolutely love reading, like yours and Carl McColman’s.
Are you still planning to move to Atlanta?