Rob Bell & Mike Morrell Interviewed on Day1!

…but not on the same episode, alas. 🙂

[Note: This was originally posted on my previous blog on May 4, 2011.]

A few weeks ago, Rob was in Atlanta as part of a short tour for his uber-controversial book Love Wins. He stopped by the nationally-syndicated Day1 studio to do this in-depth interview with show host Peter Wallace:

Rob Bell – Day1 Conversations with Peter Wallace from Peter Wallace on Vimeo.

(Note: This interview is WAY better than Martin Bashir’s!)

Then last week, I was in Atlanta:  Seeing family and friends for Easter, and sharing about the Wild Goose Festival with a wide variety of people in the area – Punk TorahMetro Atlanta Emergence (with whom I had entirely too much fun at Sister Louisa’s Church of the Living Room and Ping Pong Emporium and La Fonda), and KSU professor Derek Spalla.

While in the ATL, it worked out for me to sit in the studio with the good Mr. Wallace and share why the Goose is so important to me, and why it just might be important to – dahn dahn dahn! – the future shape of North American spirituality. No really. Why? You’ll just have to watch & see! But seriously – I’d love your feedback on what we’re discussing here.

Mike Morrell – Day1 Conversations with Peter Wallace from Peter Wallace on Vimeo.

Finally, you see that t-shirt I’m wearing? It’s from the local Raleigh-based Guru Guitar, a kickin’ guitar shop that serves the Triangle area and beyond. I do mean ‘beyond.’ My buddy, Guru co-owner Eugene Reinert, crafts his custom-made Rhino Guitars for musicians the world over. So if you’re in the market for peerless sound, come on by. Then you & I could have coffee next-door at Cup-A-Joe afterward.

Update: As I mentioned here yesterday, Maybe you’ve been reading my blog for a few days now, or maybe you’ve been a reader for years. Either way, I’d like to meet you at the Goose this June 21st-24th! If you enjoy (or are infuriated by) what I post here, I’d like you to take advantage of a special ticket offer that my friends at the Goose have granted me permission to extend: Purchase your festival passes by next Thursday, February 16th, and receive 15% off your total purchase (not including camping) by entering “FriendOfMike” at the checkout!  Purchase your passes here, enter “FriendOfMike” where prompted, and save. For one week six more days only. And then we can camp together. :)  

Want to know more about the Wild Goose Festival this year? A picture’s worth a thousand words…check this out:


The 2012 Wildgoose Festival from The Work Of The People on Vimeo.

2 Responses to Rob Bell & Mike Morrell Interviewed on Day1!

  1. Mark Nielsen June 19, 2011 at 3:41 pm #

    OKay, reading your reference to the guitar shop, I had to put this out there:
    I wrote a song about a visit to a vintage guitar shop, and aging, and respect for the creative traditions (guitar building AND music making). If you’re curious, hop on over here:



  1. Rob Bell on Oprah + The Lost Interivew | Mike Morrell - September 25, 2013

    […] Rob Bell & Mike Morrell Interviewed on Day1! […]

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