GMO labeling in America: Where we won –
At Food Democracy Now! we want to express our gratitude for you and all of our members who helped place Prop 37 and labeling of genetically engineered foods as a central part of the national debate during this year’s election.It was a hard fought race and we’ve been amazed and inspired by the grassroots support in California and across the country. Despite being outspent nearly 6 to 1, the Yes on 37 campaign fought Monsanto and DuPont to a standstill with 47.6% to 52.4% at the polls.We may not have won on election night, but what we did gain is unprecedented and can never be taken from us: the fact that millions of people have stood up for democracy and labeling of genetically engineered foods, and we have fundamentally changed the conversation in the U.S. forever.What’s next?
Along with our allies, we’ve been encouraged to hear this question ring throughout California among those who gave their heart and soul to this fight and within the growing national food movement: “What’s next?”
Food Democracy Now! has been a part of this fight from the beginning and along with our close allies who fought with us every step of the way, we can tell you that this fight is not over and we will not stop until we achieve transparency and the basic Right to Know what’s in our food.
Why do 61 other countries enjoy this right while Americans do not?
It’s time that we make sure these questions are heard at the highest levels here in the U.S., from the White House to Congress to state capitals across the country.
Right now efforts are unfolding in Washington state where volunteers are gathering signatures to place an initiative similar to Prop 37 on the ballot in 2013 and there are attempts to get President Obama to enact his 2007 campaign promise to label GMOs in Washington DC. No matter what, GMO labeling in the U.S. is going to become a reality.
Give Thanks and Reward Our Heroes
Today there are there are 2 things that you can do to move this conversation forward and help thank those who stood with us during the historic battle on Prop 37.
1. Please join us in thanking those Organic Heroes who stood with us in the fight on Prop 37, from the moms, grandmothers and grassroots activists to the California farmers and organic and natural companies that helped make the fight possible. Without their help, it wouldn’t have been possible!
2. Please join Food Democracy Now! in committing to doubling down in the marketplace by supporting those companies that supported your Right to Know at the grocery store.
A lot of these companies are small in size, but their leaders gave a generous amount to help us in the fight to Label GMOs in California. Please reward them with your undying brand loyalty at your local coop or grocery store because when the next fight comes, we know they’ll be there for us!
Thank the Heroes of Prop 37
The people who run these companies care a great deal about doing the right thing and Food Democracy Now! is proud to stand with them in the fight to label GMOs!
Thank on Twitter Click on the link below to thank the Heroes of Yes on 37 on Facebook.
Now spread the word and share this with your friends to show who stood with you and who is against you and your Right to Know! Let them know that you intend to vote with your dollar!
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Election Results and False Reports of Voter Fraud
Despite numerous reports of voter fraud in the election on Yes on 37, there have been no proof of fraud or vote tampering in California. As with every election, not every ballot is counted on election night and currently Food Democracy Now! is working with the California Right to Know campaign to monitor the final vote tally from the state.
As of November 16, 2012, the vote totals are 5,869,382 NO to 5,329,994 YES, with the NO side ahead 52.4% to 47.6%.
California state law requires county elections officials to report their final results to the Secretary of State by December 7. The Secretary of State has until December 14 to certify the results of the election.
Thank you for contributing what you can today – Together we can win!
Thanks for participating in food democracy,
Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! Team
P.S. As we move forward in our efforts, we need your help! Please chip in today to help defeat Monsanto’s bid to silence GMO labeling in the U.S. – It’s time to fight back to make GMO labeling a reality!
– from Food Democracy Now!
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