It happened one week ago today: Jasmin had contractions at 8:00am last Sunday morning and by 12:50 in the afternoon little Jubilee Grace Morrell entered the world! She came out super fast; we almost didn’t make it to the hospital in time! Because we were doing a Bradley Method husband-coached childbirth, we intentionally spent most of the contraction time at home. It was not our intent, however, to wait until third stage (‘pushing’) labor to get to the hospital! It happened rather without warning; I was rather leisurely packing the car with overnight clothes, our Birth Mix CD, etc., in between helping Jasmin with relaxation exercises (something I didn’t feel entirely adequate for–some of those contractions looked pretty intense! Jasmin assures me it sounded worse than it felt). Suddenly Jasmin said “I think I’m pushing!” and the race was on.
The apartment complex where most of our church community is a stone’s throw from the hospital–about a 45-second drive. Even so, it was nerve-wracking as Jasmin couldn’t even sit in the car properly for the trip; she was turned around, hugging the seat while pushing.
I stormed into the Birth Center lobby when Jasmin could only walk halfway; “I think we’re to pushing!” I explained. Not 30 seconds had passed before two nurses were in the lobby meeting me with a wheelchair. Through shouted ‘calming’ reassurances from the nurses, we climbed the floors in the elevator to the first available room. They were helping Jasmin onto the birthing bed while a hospital aide was trying to collect some basic check-in information from me; when the Jasmin’s grunts indicated “business” she abandoned that track and said “Go be with your wife!” I no sooner got to the table where Jasmin was just hoisted when Jubilee emerged–in all, about four minutes after entering the hospital! The doctor was not yet there, our doula was not yet there; the nurse who caught Jubilee only had time to put one glove on!
We attribute the rapid birth to Jasmin’s genes (her mom had two fast labors) and the fact that Jasmin had chiropractic care during her pregnancy, which greatly reduces a lot of the stresses pregnant women take for granted.
With the most intense part out of the way, we settled in to two nights at the hospital, learning how to be new parents in a bizarre environment, with constant prodding and checking–most of which we were grateful for, don’t get me wrong. And the hospital (and subsequent pediatrician) are very understanding of our desire not to vaccinate.
And so…it’s one week later! Its been a dream and an insomniac nightmare all at once. Nursing every two hours, day or night..! Whew. Its been difficult getting back into a rhythm of freelance work; I have several marketing and editing deadlines. But Jubilee is healthy, mama is recovering, and I suppose that’s the best of what I can ask for.
Welcome to the world, Jubilee Grace!
I leave you with some pics (one from my cell, her first pic ever, and the others from Amanda) lyrics that Jenny found for us, a Perry Ferrell (of Jane’s Addiction) song that is bizarrely fitting…
We’re coming from far and wide
We’re singing a song to you
Gather us together
For cake and candle light
The red heifer is here
And cousins of twelve tribes
Count up all our faces
Divide up the cake in pieces
We’ve all come here to see
Happy birthday Jubilee
I’m going to hold you tight
Sing and dance all night
We’re all so happy
We’re happy for you
This is what we brought you
We made a promise for you
Go have fun tonight
We’ve got your back remember
We’ve all come here to see
Happy birthday Jubilee
This is the place!
This is a place to work
This is a name
This is a rock
This is my bride
She’s beautiful inside and outside
This is a song, yet to be sung
Song yet to be sung
It’s your birthday party
It’s your birthday party
We’re coming from far and wide
We’re singing a song to you
Gather us together
For cake and candle light
The red heifer is here
And cousins of twelve tribes
Count up all our faces
Divide up the cake in pieces
We’ve all come here to see
Happy birthday Jubilee
It’s your birth, your birthday party
Your birth, your birthday party
Your birthday, party
Your birthday, party
Your birthday, party
“Its been a dream and an insomniac nightmare all at once.”
I was going to comment that this was what it was like the first few months after my daughter (now 1 year old) was born…but then I realized that it’s this way for 90% of new parents. Enjoy!
And where did I get 90%? I made it up. But it sounds right, doesn’t it? I shouldn’t be allowed to comment.
Ah, baby birthing stories….reminded me of my three experiences–all different–though my last one got in a hurry as well…my doctor was on the way, they were combing the halls for a midwife, and the nurse was sitting on the stool with her hand on the already-crowning head–like that was going to stop him! 😉
He came so fast–we called him “The Bullet”–six minutes from “urge to push” to out! Yikes! He will be starting first grade in two weeks. Time sure flies!
Enjoy every minute of it–being an intentional parent (IMO) is the single most effective spiritual discipline course available: multiple modules to take–a lifetime to complete…
And good for you for resisting immunization! Do you use homeopathic remedies? Oops, that “Dr. Mom” hat slipped on 🙂
Congrats! We are looking forward to our first child in April! God bless