Holy Ghost in the Machine: My New Book

Holy cyber-faith, Batman! How is Christian spirituality taking shape in our web 2.0 era? What does collaborative technology say about Perichoresis (the triune dance of the Godhead) and ecclesiology (ways of living for the church gathered)? Where will be be five or fifty years from now? These are the questions addressed by an innovative new collaborative publishing endeavor put forth by the Wikiklesia Project entitled Voices of the Virtual World. I am privileged to be a contributor–my chapter is entitled Zeitgeist and Paraclete at Play. It’s available now, in physical and eBook form. I’m particularly stoked because all the proceeds from the sale of this hot little tome are going straight to the Not For Sale Campaign, an anti-slavery action and awareness group that I serve with as emerging churches coordinator. So buy/download a truckload of these, please!

I have to mention that I’m writing among indie Christian giants with this book! It’d be rather intimidating if I haven’t gotten to know many of these ladies and gents over the years in my wanderings (both global and virtual) and found them to be pure platinum. In no particular order other than alphabetical, you can see the various authors and their attendant websites here:

Andrew Jones
Andrew Perriman
Bill Kinnon
Bob Hyatt
Brad Sargent
Brother Maynard
Calvin Park
Cynthia La Grou
Cynthia Ware
David Hayward
Derek Flood
Drew Goodmanson
Ed Brenegar
Heidi Campbell
Jo Guldi
Joe Suh
John La Grou
John Sexton
Br. Karekin Yarian, BSG
Katharine Moody
Kester Brewin
Len Hjalmarson
Matt Reece
Michael Lissack
Mike Morrell
Mike Riddell
Peggy Brown
Rex Miller
Rick Meigs
Scot McKnight
Scott Andreas
Scott McClellan
Scott Ragan
Stephen Garner
Stephen Shields
Steve Scott
Steve Knight
Stuart Murray Williams
Thomas Hohstadt
Wild Grace

It’s worth echoing Stephen Shields and many others who note “Paul Walker, the Vicar of St Cuthberts in Bradford in the United Kingdom, is now in the process of blogging through” this volume. Check it out!

4 Responses to Holy Ghost in the Machine: My New Book

  1. Peggy August 22, 2007 at 3:28 pm #

    Hey, Mike!

    Excellent post…I was resonating with your “it’d be rather intimidating” comment, since I “met” many of you all through working on this book with John and Len! I’d “met” Brad and Len over at Alan Hirsch’s blog and “knew” Scot from Jesus Creed…and the rest of you have been a pleasure to get to know.

    I don’t intimidate easily–but trying to come up to speed with everyone in the Wikiklesia Project has certainly been a tad overwhelming 😉

    I’m looking forward to the paperback as well…Cynthia has done an amazing job with the cover art…again!

    Blessings–on your new blog, new book, and new baby!

  2. len August 22, 2007 at 4:26 pm #

    I agree, this is a wonderful crew to travel with. Congrats on the new blog Mike, not that you are new to the conversation 🙂

  3. John L August 22, 2007 at 8:28 pm #

    Good to see you blogging Mike. I’ll add you to my RSS feed in anticipation of many great thoughts to come. Best of luck in Jay’s futurist program, and continued good wishes for you and family. (and hi to Len and Peg – keep running into you guys :-))

    By the way, Wikiklesia paperback proof copies have been ordered. If they check-out, we’ll have them ready by August end.


  1. Zeitgeist and Paraclete at Play « zoecarnate - September 16, 2007

    […] Wikiklesia: Voices of the Virtual World Volume One is now in paperback! For those of you who don’t like staring at computer screens to read your books, now you can see the collaborative writing project that involved 40 of us over a two-month period of time. 100% of the proceeds from this book go to the Not For Sale anti-slavery initiative, so please–buy ‘em by the truckload. They make for edifying reading *and* doorstops, if need be. […]

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