I will begin a Masters in Strategic Foresight degree any day now. I’ll blog about this soon. But for now I would like to pass along an invitation to a special day-long workshop on change navigation in Virginia Beach from my instructor and soon-to-be mentor, Jay Gary:
“Are you looking for how to lead others through the fog of the future? If so I encourage you to join me Thursday, September 20th in Virginia Beach for our annual “Foresight 2007” workshop.
Our focus will be on the how our advocacy groups, corporations, ministries, or universities understand the sea change around them, and steer their ship away from icebergs, to find islands of opportunity.
My guest this year, Graham Molitor, spent his career tracking change and doing strategic issue analysis for dozens of Fortune 500 clients, political candidates, and consumer advocacy groups in both the U.S. and Europe. He developed a proprietary way to recognize change on the horizon, 1 year, 3 years or 10 years away. This method is now called the Molitor Forecasting Model. See my blog entry on it.
This Foresight 2007 workshop is for any leader who wants to build the future of the church and society. Whether you are an executive, manager, consultant, ministry leader, lawyer or professor, this day-long workshop will empower you. You will leave with a solid methodology for how to revitalize your organization’s strategic ‘early warning system’, to identify both threats and opportunities. Register by September 14 for $129, and save 30%. A similar day-long workshop like this at the World Future Society usually costs two or three times this amount.
Our workshop will be held at the Founders Inn, the benchmark for conference hospitality, at the gateway of Regent University. Foresight 2007 hotel rooms are at a special room rate of $105 /room; and the Founders runs a $10 van connection every hour from 5 am to 12 midnight to Norfolk International Airport (ORF), to save you from renting a car.
The workshop will start at 8:30 am on Thursday September 20th, and will end by 4:30 pm that same day. You can get back to the airport by 5:30 pm on the shuttle. Your registration includes lunch and lecture materials.
There is nothing else like a “Foresight” event at Regent University. In previous years we have brought in leading Christian authors such as Leonard Sweet, Brian McLaren, Todd Johnson or Tom Sine, and top flight futurists like Dr. Peter Bishop, Dr. Richard Slaughter, Tom Hoffmann or Dr. Clem Bezold.
We are limited to 15 other participants outside the campus community. Act now to save your seat for the Foresight 2007 workshop. See our notice online to register, with hotel information.
Yours in Christ,
Jay Gary
Christian Futures”
It should be fascinating…Jay has real heart and vision for “off-the-map” cultural creatives and spiritual community pioneers…I’ll be there, so if you’re interested in coming let me know! It’d be great to meet up.
Of course, I’ll be there as well. Looking forward to seeing you after Period One of the Fall 07 semester in VA Beach.
Ohh yeah! It’s gonna be a party…Futures style!