About Mike Morrell
Michael Morrell is the collaborating author, with Fr. Richard Rohr, on
The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation. He's also the founder of Wisdom Camp, a day-retreat for mystical misfits, and a founding organizer of the justice, arts, and spirituality Wild Goose Festival.
Michael curates contemplative and community experiences, taking joy in holding space for the extraordinary transformation that can
take place at the intersection of anticipation, imagination, and radical
Michael is also an avid writer, publishing consultant, author coach, futurist, and curator of the book-reviewing community,
Speakeasy. His two children are growing up entirely too fast and he lives in Asheville, North Carolina.
Looking forward to your thoughts…
especially on Jena 6 (sounds like a pop band…, or the name of a star cruiser from Battlestar Galctica).
Great thoughts, Mike. I couldn’t agree more that justice must go beyond retribution to reconciliation and restoration. One problem is sometimes neither sides wants this. There is something in us that is more comfortable with our kind and creates a wall between others. Something has to change in us that wants to know the other, wants to see the world from their eyes rather than judge from our own limited perspective. I think we often are not humble enough to put aside our own perspective and love in a way the other experiences it. When we are close enough in daily life, then maybe love can stand a chance when bad stuff happens. I’d love to know how you guys are trying to build some of these bridges in Raleigh…Look forward to getting to know you more.