Lent Guide from the Mustard Seed House – and flAsh Wednesday Requiem

So this is kind’ve last minute, but Lent is here, that 40-day period between Ash Wednesday (that’s today) and Easter Sunday. My friend Christine Sine has some thoughts:

During Lent this year I would like to invite you to join us at Mustard Seed Associates on a journey with Jesus towards the Cross, a journey that we hope will change our lives forever. We want to challenge you to set aside time to deepen your relationship with God by entering the brokenness of our world. Allow yourself to encounter Christ as you reflect on all the aspects of your life and of our world that distort your ability to live as effective representatives of God and God’s kingdom.

A couple of years ago, after the 10th person told me they were giving up chocolate for Lent I became extremely frustrated and decided to produce a Lenten guide that encouraged people to make some meaningful sacrifices during this season. Each week we focused on a different aspect of the brokenness of the human condition — with activities from easy to challenging that people could participate in.

That Lenten guide is here – I highly recommend it. Christine is also setting up a Lenten synchroblog, where folks are sharing their journeys this season. It kicks off with this post by Tom Grosh.

I also want to give props to my friends in Atlanta who are orchestrating a flash mob Ash Wednesday requiem in a MARTA bus terminal – easily the most creative expression of grace that I’ve heard of in a long time. Read all about it here, and check out the video.

2 Responses to Lent Guide from the Mustard Seed House – and flAsh Wednesday Requiem

  1. Heather W February 26, 2009 at 12:54 am #

    Wow so…did you do it? Did anyone videotape it?


  1. Bill Dahl » Blog Archive » An Interview With Futurists and Strategic Foresight Practitioners Morrell and Spencer - January 31, 2010

    […] communities and spiritual spaces – including liturgy as street theatre. Witness last years flAsh Wednesday flash mob requiem in Atlanta – or, on the other side of the country, Ash Wednesday in the Street in San […]

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