Update November 19: Facebook has still not reinstated my account, and they’ve had zero contact with me. I have a couple of friends looking into contacting some of the higher-ups. In the meantime, some very kind friends started a Facebook – Reactivate Mike Morrell’s Profile! group (on Facebook, of course!). I’m never sure how effective these kinds of groups are, but it’s a great gesture. By all means, join it if you’re so inclined. That’s probably how I’ll keep everyone updated. You can also keep up with me on Twitter @zoecarnate.
Update November 23: Still not back on Facebook, but we can connect via social spaces here.
Social networks: We depend on them for so much these days. When they work, we barely notice we’re using them, but when they fail us, they fail spectacularly. One of the weaknesses of the most popular social networks has been their high levels of automation, and dearth of ‘human touch.’ An impersonal robot running automatic protocols can make life quite difficult; an overworked human overseeing hundreds of appeals can do the same. I’ve learned both over the weekend as my Facebook account has been disabled, seemingly never to return.
Here’s the background: For over a year now, I’ve hovered at around 5,000 Facebook friends – 5,000 is Facebook’s cap. I’ve blogged about this difficulty before. Nearly a year ago, a strange thing happened: I was unable to request new friends (or add new Fan pages even), even though I hadn’t reached the 5,000-friend cap. However, I noticed that when someone added me, I could still accept their friend request. Whenever I had a new friend or family member join Facebook this past year, I had to write a rather awkward message to them telling them I’d really love to connect, and if they’d add me I could accept them. I even had to write my own grandmother this way!
So Saturday, I’d been tired of staring at about eight Suggested Friends suggestions – all for people I know in real-life. So one right after another, I sent them FB messages with this variation:
Hi Jim!
Our mutual friend XXXX recommended that we connect on Facebook, and I couldn’t agree more…unfortunately, Facebook has blocked me from adding any more friends – because I’m so close to their 5,000-friend cap, I suppose. But! I can accept friend requests that come my way, so if you’re so inclined add me & I’ll approve.
Talk to you soon,
I sent seven of these, and on the eighth I got a warning message from Facebook telling me to slow down – that I might be sending some kind of spammy repeat message. Okay, I thought. Well this is the last one anyway. So I hit ‘send’ on the eighth, and got a Captcha code. I filled it out to verify that yes, I was indeed a human, and sent it, thinking nothing more of it. ‘Till ten minutes later when I tried to find a friend’s wedding photos online, and Facebook prompted me to login. That’s strange, I thought. I was already logged in. Then I received the words:
Facebook Login Account Disabled Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
You’re dang straight I had concerns! (Ego, Dom Anthony DeMello would tell me, ego. Why do you care so much about this Facebook account anyway? “You’ve obviously never had a Facebook account!” I tell Father Anthony, ideationally.) So I wrote the nice people at Facebook, figuring I’d set the record straight. I wasn’t one of their horrible spammers, or sales pimps. I wasn’t misusing anything – just trying to get in touch with people whom I should’ve been able to Friend request to begin with, were their system not already broken. So here’s what I said:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Michael Morrell <z——-@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 8:34 AM
Subject: My Account Was Disabled By Mistake – facebook.com/zoecarnate
To: disabled@facebook.comHi there,
I’m writing you pursuant to http://www.facebook.com/help.php?page=45 because my account was disabled by mistake. I did not violate Facebook’s terms of use, nor was I using FB to promote a business or service.
Here’s exactly what happened: I am close to your 5,000 friends cap. I have 4,494 friends, to be exact. I had about eight friends who were suggested to me to connect with on Facebook, but for some reason your system hasn’t allowed me to add any new friends (or even become a Fan of any new pages) for nearly a year. So I messaged this eight people, suggesting that if they wanted to connect with me on FB, that they’d have to add me – for some reason, I can approve requests, even though I can’t initiate them.
I think this action tripped up your system because a.) I sent the eight or so messages one right after the other, and b.) I have links in my signature line? That’s my best guess. Anyway, I have been on here since 2007, am not a spammer, and would appreciate being reinstated. : )
Pretty straightforward, eh? You’d think if such a message actually got read by a real-live human being, it’d get handled nicely, right? Alas, things are rarely so simple are they? Here’s the response I received earlier this evening:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: The Facebook Team <info+dm2mi0p@facebook.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: My Account Was Disabled By Mistake – facebook.com/zoecarnate
To: z——@gmail.comHi Mike,
Facebook aspires to be an environment where people can interact safely with their friends and people they know. Accordingly, we expect accounts to reflect mainly your “real-world contacts.” We do not endorse contacting strangers through unsolicited friend requests as they may be considered annoying or abusive.
To prevent this type of behavior, Facebook has limits in place that restrict the rate at which you can use certain features on the site. Your account was disabled because Facebook determined that you were going too fast when sending friend requests, despite being warned to slow down, or because your friend requests were being rejected at a high rate.
After further review of your account, we have determined that you violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities by misusing our site features to harass other users. We will not be able to reactivate your account for any reason. This decision is final.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations
Nope…sorry. No understanding granted. I wrote Marissa back:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Michael Morrell <z—–@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: My Account Was Disabled By Mistake – facebook.com/zoecarnate
To: The Facebook Team <info+dm2mi0p@facebook.com>, disabled@facebook.comI’m sorry, Marissa – I must not have made myself clear. I know all of the people who were recommended by our mutual friends – I know them in real life. David T. is a family friend from church. James Rutz is a fellow author friend. And so on. All of these people are those whom I know. The disabling was triggered by my sending the emails to these folks too quickly.
I have been a FB member in good standing since 2007; I’ve already had dozens of people ask what happened to me. This is how I keep up with many friends, relatives, and colleagues; please reconsider.
Thank you,
Marissa replied, within the hour, with a combination of the verbatim text from before and a repeated denial of appeal. Now I feel like I am talking to a robot:
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: The Facebook Team <info+dm2mi0p@facebook.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 7:24 PM
Subject: Re: My Account Was Disabled By Mistake – facebook.com/zoecarnate
To: z——@gmail.comHi Mike,
Your account was disabled because you exceeded Facebook’s limits on multiple occasions, despite having been warned to slow down. Upon further review of your site activity, we have determined that you were in violation of our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities.
One of Facebook’s main priorities is the comfort and safety of our users. Accordingly, Facebook does not endorse unsolicited contact with strangers as it may be considered annoying or abusive. It is especially prohibited when large groups of users who share similar physical characteristics are targeted for this type of behavior.
Unfortunately, your account has been permanently disabled. We will not be able to reactivate it for any reason, nor will we provide further explanation of your violation or the systems we have in place. This decision is absolutely final.
Thanks for your understanding,
User Operations
Ah, the ‘multiple occasions.’ That’s right. In early 2008 – just a few months into having my account – I had uploaded a .csv file of my email address book into their FriendFinder feature to see who I already knew on Facebook. At the time, I had 10,000 people in my email address book – friends, family members, clients, and others whom I’d emailed with over the years. I’d only uploaded a fourth of my address book, which yielded 300 of my peeps who were on Facebook. I added them, and was booted. Once again, because The System had determined that I was adding people ‘too fast’ – even though I was using their own service to do so. After lengthy correspondence with them, they reinstated my account.
And now here we are, seemingly in the same spot all over again. I’m left with several options:
- I could rebuild my Facebook profile from scratch.
- I could forget about Facebook – screw it.
- I could try, once more, to get my Facebook profile back.
Here’s what I’m thinking about these options:
- It took me over a year to get in touch with all you lovely people to begin with; I don’t have the time or energy to do that again. Besides, my main strategy for rebooting would be to upload my .csv file again, which is now at 15,000 contacts! The Facebook robots surely wouldn’t like that; I’d be back at Square One with the constant spectre of account deactivation.
- This would certainly be satisfying in the short term. After all, I’m on Twitter, FriendFeed, LinkedIn, Missional Tribe, and more Ning networks than you can shake a stick at (including Steve Knight’s super-nice new one, the TransFORM network!); do I really need Facebook? In 2009? ‘Need’ is of course a relative term. And at the end of the day, the fact of the matter is I keep in touch with more people I’m connected with in more ways on Facebook than the above means. I share photos with people here in Raleigh, with family members all over; heck, I talk to my wife via Facebook, posting interesting links to her wall. And I get to talk to all of you on Facebook, more often than on this blog. I’ll post a link, and 20 to 100 of you will start weighing in on it. Sometimes that gets contentious, but most of the time we have some great conversations, don’t we? That’s why I heard from a couple dozen of you within hours of my profile getting disabled; some of you thought you’d pissed me off for good! But no. ‘Tis the robots. So yeah…I want to stay on FB. Which brings me to…
- I have a hunch that if you emailed Marissa and the Facebook team on my behalf – and they heard from enough of you – they’d realize that I’m not someone jumping on Facebook to hawk, well, male anatomy enhancers. Something simple. Here are the email addresses to send a brief email to, something like this:
Send to all of these email addresses: info@facebook.com, disabled@facebook.com, appeals@facebook.com, info+dm2mi0p@facebook.com
Subject line: Please Reactive Mike Morrell’s Facebook Profile
Hi Marissa,
My friend[/Facebook friend] Mike Morrell had his account (facebook.com/zoecarnate) disabled Saturday, and I think that’s a mistake. I am a [friend/fellow comic book reader/spiritual co-dreamer/client/activist/chia pet] with Mike and have always enjoyed hearing from him on Facebook because ____. If you could reinstate his account, I would appreciate it. He didn’t mean to trip up your system, honest.
Thank you.
Tell ’em something personal about why you like connecting with me on Facebook, if something particular comes to mind. (By all means, don’t waste more than fifteen seconds of your life trying to think about whether something does) Let ’em know that, while I’m a hyperconnected rapscallion, I don’t spam people, I don’t sell widgets, and most of the time I just use Facebook like any other user does – except for those times when we have wild, animated conversations around links that I post. Hopefully if enough of you say a little something, Marissa and the other fine, overworked foks at Facebook will see the light and reactivate
Thanks so much…I’ll keep you updated on this very post.
I did it. Happy to do so.
I played down your terrorist activities just a smidge, though. 😉
And, no … I don’t want to be taller (or was that bigger?!?).
Love you, Mike!
Shalom, Dena
Hey Mike,
I emailed them. Best of luck.
I told them you were a nice guy and not to mess with you or your father in law might hunt them down 😉
Mike, I’m going to email that robot skank tomorrow. 🙂
I have also gotten the same message you got after sending the 8 messages or whatever it was. A few weeks ago, I tried to locate an old pen pal I had growing up who lived in Cairo, Egypt. I didn’t know what else to do other than look up her name and compare the photos, and I found several people who could’ve possibly been her. I wrote up a generic, quick message and sent it to all of them (or tried), but then started getting that message to the effect of “Hey, watch it. You’re sending too many messages to be a real person.” I thought that was ridiculous, but it never locked me out. ANYWAY, all that combined frustrates me, so I will be glad to email them. Good luck!
LOL Amy – I don’t think that Marissa is a robot or a skank – I’m sure she’s an upstanding young (human) lady. And I know they must deal with so many crazy spammers. I just wish they had protocols in place, or enough staff or what have you, to be able to discern the legit users from the p***s-pill pushers. 🙂
Email: Sent.
I did it Mike. Hope they fix this for you.
Kind of ironic that you’re a leader in online marketing and one of the top online marketing sites did this to you… This makes facebook look pretty silly.
Sorry to hear about this. I’ll be happy to help spread the word about this campaign or if you want to start from scratch.
Maybe you could set up a fan page for the time being? You may end up needing one anyway with so many contacts. I think Michael Hyatt manages all business contacts through a facebook fan page, so I think it could work if you explain what you’re up to.
did it too. hopefully it will work.
Mike, I sent the email too.
Still, don’t be too hard on facebook. Their attempts to moderate a spam-free community is what made them superior to Myspace who, after a day within creating a profile, would let users have 5 million friends. Hence, I no longer check my Myspace. Also, as an fyi, the same thing happened to my sister who is a big Mafia player on Facebook (an app that requires lots of activity) so she started a new profile only to have her old one reinstated a couple weeks later. So hang tight, I’m sure the facebook gods will smile upon you soon.
I just emailed them. good luck.
I have been trying to get into my Facebook account, which I have had for a few years. Am a married woman, 82 years of age, who emails my children and grandchildren weekly and have numerous personal pictures of my family on my account. Have tried for 2 days and am about to have a nervous breakdown.
Can someone please help me. It is my only passtime and it means the world to me. Have 3 children, all out of State and 6 grandchildren. I miss them and am unable to contact them.
Why am I going through this at the end of my life. What have I done wrong.
Please help
Patricia Cleary Helnarski
Done. I have also publicized this via my own fb page.
i have all but walked away from “myspace” because of how google works – when we were redesigning ginkworld we had the mistake of leaving our google ad account active – during our testing, google emailed and said we were no longer allowed to use our google ad account – they took away our account, and just out right refused to give it back – and they took all the funds we would have had from the last payment.
welcome to the world of the new “bureaucrats” – people who write you and tell you “no” – with no way of appeal.
i say, “fb” be dammed 🙂 the transFORM network looks like it will be a better place – our friend steve hit the nail on the head 🙂
Mike – that sucks. Didn’t the same thing happen with MySpace? I remember when I was building up my MySpace and Facebook accounts how careful I had to be – the second I got a warning from either site, I quit adding friends for a few days.
You might want to look at your 15,000 contacts to see how many of them are real contacts? And is there a way to only import those contacts who you suspect might be the ones who are most interested in joining facebook? I’ve gotten invites to join social networks from people I barely remember (or don’t even know) – I hit the delete button but oI wonder how many of those 15,000 contacts might have gotten cranky and instead of emailing you complained to Facebook. That would yield a very low percentage of complaints but if they call came at once, it might have tipped off Facebook.
Just thinking how to take whatever learnings form this and apply it to other social networks.
Can you create a facebook page if your account was disabled? If someone else creates it, can you access it?
I’m inclined to say bag it and go with Twitter and your other social networks. I sense Facebok is where mySpace was in 2006 – I used it to get the word out re: my book and it was effective but I could already see major signs this would be DOA. I kept my MySpace account but seldom access it.
I’m sorry, Becky, I wasn’t clear – I have no intention of inviting 15k people to join Facebook if they haven’t already. I mean using their Friend Finder procedure to identify people I know who are already on Facebook. But if I’ve learned one thing, it’s that it has to be done slooooowly.
And I’ve never invited friends en masse to Facebook, so I doubt a complaint originated from that angle. If anyone complained, it would have been someone who didn’t like my point of view on some links I was posting – but that’s hardly complaint-worthy, is it? No, this account deactivation happened within moments of having messaged just 8 people, whom I knew, to make a friend connection. It was solely because I did that too fast, and their automated system was triggered. But now they’re refusing to budge ‘on principle,’ because something similar (again, their fault) happened in early 2008 – thus I have a ‘record.’
I had a FB Page, but it was deleted with my account. Next time, I’ll name some other admins besides just me – lesson learned.
As one of your loyal minions, I’m in. I got this automated message back, as I’m sure everyone did:
“The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We should get back to you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities (http://www.facebook.com/terms.php) for more information.”
What’s with people thinking I can’t read?
Just to let them know I’m human, I replied in inimitable Ira fashion. 🙂
haha – just kidding!
Mike, I just sent an email to Marissa! Hope it helps! I enjoy keeping up w/ you and your family on FB since the good ole Berry College days…
Mike, I think I’ve met you and I know I’ve read your blog, so even though we aren’t Facebook friends, I just sent them a note on your behalf. Found out about your plight from Kevin Beck…good guy! I even signed my REAL NAME–which I never do. Good luck! Hope they pull their heads out over there at FB.
I wrote them, Mike. Thanks for making it so easy to do. I told em Facebook isn’t as cool without you.
Why don’t you type up some form letter we can all send so they think you generated some kind of bot to flood them with the “I know Mike” message? That might be helpful, right? 😉
I’ll say this – I think that the action of going through other people’s friends and adding them probably marked you for this.
It never bothered me that you did so (and in fact I was already familiar with you) – but you probably added some people who eventually got upset with some of the things you were writing about. And they probably complained.
That’s my guess, anyway.
All of that said, I don’t see anything in the Facebook terms that would be violated by anything you did.
Mike – missed you on FB and wrote to them on your behalf. Do me a favor and keep me linked in to you. I’ve grown quite fond of you and would hate to lose touch!! love and blessings, t
Ok Done.
To me the limit makes sense. There was a time when I had a large number of FB friends. It was crazy trying to keep up with the friends that I wanted to track on a daily basis, so I deleted most of the distant friends. Having a fan page separates the friends/family from the masses. This way you can have the best of both worlds.
Hey man! Just sent them the email!
I sure hope they put it back up!
I am onboard Mike. Hope they take care of this one – and maybe then a couple of your other suggestions along the way.
Hi Mike!
I sent an email to each of those emails and asked them to reinstate your facebook. I can only imagine the frustration this has caused you! I hope they give you your facebook back soon. When they do please send me a friend request (www.facebook.com/kaleymayer)!
Did it.
I shared this blog post on Facebook, joined the page supporting your restoration and sent and e-mail dripping with sarcasm to the addresses you provided. I’ll start blogging about this later this week at http://igneousquill.net if the issue isn’t resolved.
All the best.
Next time create a Fan Page or something. I think I read someone talking about accounts for people with an infinite amount of friends ;-). Or have multiple accounts and spread your friends throughout them. Just a thought.
Anyway, I agree with Becky and Derek that there are some haters who, instead of just deleting the invites, etc., complained to FB. From the “tone” of Marissa’s responses she is so confident in the reason FB disabled your account that there need be any questions or chance of pardon. So this is not about the reason FB closed the account, it is about the reason it needs to be reinstated.
Seems to me that the more friends you have the more people FB can solicit. Aren’t they in the business of making money via sponsors? They don’t seem to have much business sense. If I was a FB exec. I would make you one of my FB Friend Guru or something and give you special powers to have a million friends if you want. That only makes sense if I want to make money off of your contacts. Instead of the closed-minded decision to disable you I would make you an asset. So I would suggest, in addition to requesting for your reinstatement, that we appeal to their business sense as well. Mike, can you find an exec. at FB instead of appealing to the employees?
I have a feeling that FB is not going to budge on this. That said, it wouldn’t be very hard at all for you to start from scratch. All you’d really have to do is ping all of the other networks and platforms your still on with a message for followers and friends to come find you on facebook. That would probably seed enough people to start, and the others will find you in time.
If you do get reinstated or if you go with a new account, I’d agree that you might consider making a Fan Page for yourself. I know that doesn’t strike of humility, but it’s practical. It’s probably why public figures use them in the first place. And if you are the tie the binds the emerging church (hee hee), then you are certainly a public figure. BTW, I don’t know if you’re the tie (that seems like a job for some manifestation of the holy), but spine or major synapse…I could see that.
I just sent my request to Facebook and received this response from them:
“The Facebook Team has received your inquiry. We need to let you know that Mike Morrell is a robot. Mike Morrell is a robot and its trying single handedly to ruin Facebook. No ‘human being’ actually has 5,000 friends. In fact, Robot Morell claims to have 15,000 friends. Astro Boy doesn’t even have 5,000 friends and last time we checked, Mike doesn’t even have flames shooting from his legs. Borg Morell is among the most dangerous and feared races in the galaxy, truly a threat to the existence of all social networking sites. We strongly urge you to cease all contact with this Cylon.”
User Operations
Mike – seriously, what have you done to them?
LOL – that’s awesome, Steve! If only it were true…
I have learned that there are usually only 2 ways to deal with this sort of thing effectively because “Marissa” is a person in the Facebook bureaucracy that can only enforce the guidelines set by someone else who is above her in the “chain of authority”. You can:
1. Use Hoovers to identify the contact information of one of the top level executives and make a phone call to a Sr. VP – possibly someone over customer service. Try talking to the secretary and explain to her the obvious disregard of your emails to Marissa and the “form letters” you received back. Ask to speak to the Sr. VP to ask that this be investigated — and provide links that prove your identity.
2. If that fails, contact your local TV station and ask one of their investigative reporters to look into it (it makes for a great news story). Once Facebook is contact by the media it is amazing what will happen in short order.
So there you have it. The 2 most effective ways of dealing with the situation. I would go with #1 first and if you get no satisfaction #2 will be even more effective.
Good luck!
I wrote to them but didn’t use the e-mail I use to log in to Facebook. I received two form e-mails back saying they couldn’t find my address in their system, so they couldn’t help me. Considering what happened to you, I’m not interested in letting them know my profile e-mail address. 😉
I posted briefly about this on my Xanga blog today http://igneousquill.xanga.com/716733942/facebook-does-it-again/ , and may write up something later on my main blog if the issue isn’t resolved in your favor.
Such jerks.
I wrote them, as well.
Hey mate… nice to meet you here. You know what I got those same messages from fb after they disabled my account. I dont know the reason of it and I am too much upset for this kinda behavior. Because I never violated there tos and also never got a single warning from them. So I am no in fb any more. I am using hi5, perfspot, bebo now.
Bye tc
I put the word out, yo.
Hey Mike!
I finally had a moment to sit down and send off an e-mail! It is done and I hope it is resolved SOON!
hi my name is Derek .could u please be my friend. yes my facebook was disabled to. thats pretty bad yea. i did nothing wrong at all.can u plese e-mail me at derek-jauch@hotmail.com i wonder if u can help me. just asking thanks.
I sent emails too. They are ridiculous and I hope to see you back soon! FB isn’t half as interesting without you 🙂
I’ve been trying to keep my big mouth shut on this one Mike, because you’re a friend and I love ya… but I have to agree with your friends who said you may have brought some of this on yourself. No one else I know has been deleted on MySpace, warned on Facebook, then deleted on Facebook, and now warned on Gmail. There is a trend here, it’s not that these big companies are unfair.
I know it must be incredibly frustrating to have lost that account, but I would say make a fresh start with a new account and avoid some of the practices that can be viewed as predatory (whether you intend them to be or not). Everyone wants to feel safe and protected online, and I appreciate the efforts of companies like Facebook and Google to enforce some basic guidelines. The worst thing is that you lost pictures of Jubilee… very sad, and always enraging to get that too-late reminder to back up important files… however I feel you are portraying yourself as a social networking martyr here, and that is not the case.
All right, speaking the truth in love finished. You are a very gracious, sensitive to others type person most of the time in real life, and I know you can bring that same spirit to your online life. I know being connected is integral to your job, and you could continue to do it just by setting up a new FB account with a new Gmail address. You can even have your new Gmail forward automatically to your current one to make it super simple… no split personality needed.
I hope things work out the best way possible for you… both online and in life. 🙂 In the meantime, maybe this is a blessing? I’ve been thinking of deleting my Facebook myself, and spending more time outside, in prayer, cooking, with friends, getting exercise and doing all those other boring pre-computer things! It may be on the horizon.
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for speaking your truth in love. 🙂 I understand what you mean. At the same time, people who use these services alot – whether benign or nefarious – come under closer scrutiny. I actually have a number of friends who have been similarly harassed by Facebook, simply because they’re ‘power users’ – they’re not spamming people at all.
Gmail is another story, and quite strange. In both cases that I’ve been ‘flagged,’ I’ve been replying to an email – once from a friend, and once from a client – giving them information they requested. (One was asking for a video link, the other for my address to send a book) The Gmail warning was warning me against sending to ‘Groups’ when in both cases I emailed an individual. And it was warning against ‘Spammy language’ – when in one of the two cases it was simply sales language, because we were talking about a potential deal.
Only you remember my being deleted from Myspace, LOL. That, again, I regard as a systemic problem of scale. If I recall correctly (it’s been years since I’ve really used Mysapce), I’d imported my address book to see who I knew who was already on Myspace. Because my address book was so large, I think there were a thousand or so that I added – it told me I added them too fast. This ‘too fast’ thing is a trend with social networking sites, and something they’ll need to address, I think, from a technical perspective – to tell robots from human users.
Your overall point, though, is perfectly valid I think and something I need to hear: We always need to evaluate our relationship with social media, and place it in perspective. And we need to reevaluate our integrity and time with relationship to it. Thank you for this reminder. If needs be, I’ll re-create a Facebook profile – though I doubt it’ll be smaller. 🙂
how can they disable my facebook acount and not tell me why.just say i did something wrong.
I tried sending an email to FB on the lines you suggested. The robots replied:
date 26 November 2009 12:02
subject Re: Please Reactive Mike Morrell’s Facebook Profile
Our systems indicate that the email address you are writing from is not associated with an account that has been warned or disabled. Please be aware that you must email us directly from the email address associated with the account in question in order for us to assist you.
Be sure to provide your full name and a brief description of the problem you are experiencing in your response, and include all of our prior correspondence so that we can refer to your original inquiry. If you are unable to send a message from your login email address, please list the email address in your response and we will look into this matter further.
If you’re writing on behalf of a friend, please ask your friend to write to us directly, so that we can confirm their identity for account security purposes.
If your inquiry is not related to a warning or a disabled account, please visit our Help Center at http://www.facebook.com/help.php
The Facebook Team
I was disabled recently. This is ridiculous. They did not even give a reason! I started a website to collect names of those that are disabled. They need to be help accountable!
Check out http://disabledbyfacebook.weebly.com.
I just put it up but I know they need to be accountable for their actions.
Let me know what you think.
I want to collect enough names to make a difference with them!
Have written the e-mail to Marissa. Hope it works.
i’ve my account disabled just today. i worry so much of the pictures and my mafia and farmtown….
i wrote an appeal to facebook to reactivate my facebook account. i hope for a positive answer.
pls help me with my facebook back thanks
My account was also shut down on 12/15/2009. I have written numerous emails, as I recall vividly what I was doing when I was disabled, and it was not sending out friend requests, as the form letter stated (via our lovely Marissa.)
I then received another ‘reason’, and it was because my account was fake. This from Johanna. Explain this to my mom, with whom I email back and forth through FB. LOL!
I refuted all these, with proof, and received yet another email today that my account was permanently removed, period.
All this for participating in Mafia Wars and posting on a clan’s open board – my sin is I was posting too quickly.
It has taken me a year to get my Mafia Wars character up to a level 502, and I invested real world money into it. Zynga pays FB, so legally I might have a case here. But really? Does it need to go to this?
Mike, I’m sorry about your account. I share my story because in some cases, misery loves company.
dear sir,
i am requesting please re open my account the name of mail muskan_sindhi36@yahoo.com. my id has disabled by my wrong usage i m sorry and know i dont do taht again please sir my account should able to me please.
i will be thankful to you
You really need to close comments on this post. Folks from the developing world are mistaking you for someone who can help them with their Facebook woes!
Facebook has disabled my account bcoz i reached the daily limit add..i`ve 400 friends now…but i dunt knw when i`ve reach the add limit its gonna blocks me from login ??
wht can i do ??? i sent many msgs and the told me its final discussion and we cant reactive ur account again ???
so wht plzzzzzz anyone help me helppp helppp helppppp
hey dude
how u doin
my facebook is disabled now so wat can i do to bring it back and my email is rohit1711@att.net
please help facebook has disable me by mistake . i don’t want to start over i have over 2,000 friends.
My account was disabled 4 days ago. I never received any warning or any reason for disabling my account. If I were reported for any malicious acts, then it would be fair if they could specify the reasons.
I am really pissed off. Sent my follow up message just minutes ago. Hope they would reply soon.
This is a petition against IRRATIONAL Faceless Facebook procedures for sudden account suspensions.Sign the petition to make our voice strong
Here’s the petition URL : http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/facebookdisabled
Here’s the Twitter account : http://twitter.com/facebookpetitio
The problem spreads fast but only the people with the problem can raise their voice against this
Unite your voice with us and help us push this message to the public
It’s the only way to be heard !!!
pulihkan kembali akun facebook saya
Since march 23 , 2010 I was disabled.
Haven’t violated any of the rules of FB, besides if you are in some games you request them as friends.
No response to e-mails. The worse is that I can’t reach my friends (less than 4,000) and my support page is only 335.
I need supporters, but also gather those who are disable in an abusive way.
Hope I can receive help from persons with the same situation.
Thank you,
finally i get back my facebook account after 3 days, and i email to facebook twice a day
Faizan how do you do it to be back on facebook.i need you to tell me what you did so i can get my account back.
facebook my id innocentkamran786@yahoo.com plz im very very sorry
Hello all,
Yesterday I was on my facebook and all of a sudden it logged me out and an error appeared saying that my facebook has been disabled!!!! I have read their Statement of Rights and Responsibilities so many times and I know I haven’t violated them. I have sent 3 emails so far to 3 different email addresses (twice at disabled@facebook.com) and also at support@facebook.com which seems that is not working; I didnt get any reply which is very frustrating.
I live in UK with my husband and a lot of my friends on facebook are from Cyprus (my home country) and that is the only way I can keep in contact with most of them.
Faizan you said that you got your facebook back after 3 days. Can you please tell me what you did? Or if anyone else knows please tell me what you think I should do?
Thank you,
Sandra Charles i just email facebook that my account is disable , i didnt do any volaition , so kindly enable my account back, i email facebook on following email address
disabled@facebook.com , apperals@facebook.com
and i mention about my login mail , my profile name , and my friends detials and my activaties on facebook, i did email twice a day and after 3 days i got email from marisaa and my accoutn got back
Format to send a messenge to facebook
“Facebook administration Please enable my facebook account,this account is my life. I have many friends with which I’m use to touch with them , and i find alots of my lost friends, i cant able to live without my facebook account. i am emailing you with my email address and i am owner of this email address and also i use this email address for login on facebook.
Please i request u , please enable my lifee, please enable my facebook account.
Faizan Barai”
‘Another Format’
Dear sir ,
my account has be disable last 3 days n i am unable to sleep :((…please enable my account
login : faizan.barai@gmail.com
profile link : http://www.facebook.com/faiziboi
‘Another Format’
Hi there,
I’m writing you pursuant to because my account was disabled by mistake. I did not violate Facebook’s terms of use, nor was I using FB to promote a business or service.
Here’s exactly what happened: I am playing zyanga Poker continues on my facebook and i just have 199 friends and 23 friends request pending and one only friend suggestion, due to battery problem on my laptop , i just loging my facebook more then 10 times.
I think this action tripped up your system Anyway, I have been on here since 2007, am not a spammer, and would appreciate being reinstated. : ). Its kind heart request to you and profile name is http://www.facebook.com/faiziboi
Faizan Barai
Then i recived email
You created a Page that has violated our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and this Page has been removed. Facebook Pages may only be set up for the purpose of promoting a business or other commercial, political, or charitable organization or endeavor. Examples of acceptable entities include non-profit organizations, political campaigns, bands, and celebrities. Continued misuse of Facebook’s features could result in your account being disabled.
Unfortunately, for technical and security reasons, we are unable to provide specific information about the removed content. However, after reviewing your situation, we have reactivated your account, and you should now be able to log in.
I don’t know why face book disabled my account? Now I’m waiting for activation but it is taking very long time. Don’t know when it will reopen.
Hi, Your account was disabled because your behavior on the site was identified as harassing or threatening to other people on Facebook. Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to: • Sending friend requests to people you don’t know• Regularly contacting strangers through unsolicited Inbox messages• Soliciting others for dating or business purposes After reviewing your situation, we have determined that your behavior violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. You will no longer be able to use Facebook. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. Please note that for technical and security reasons, we will not provide you with any further details about this decision. Thanks,The Facebook Team
Facebook disabled my account so unnecessarily, i didn’t do anything, nor did i receive any warning. I had my friends in limit, didn’t do any thing that violates their precious rules, didnt have any commercial thing with it, didn’t send friend request to unknown people……….then y y y y y did they do it?
They did that to me before also but somehow it was reactivated.
BUt again they have disabled me……i have written numerous e-mails to them but none of them have been replied to.
What should i do?? i want my account back. sob sob….:'(
What a fucking crybaby. Going thru all this trouble just to get a social networking profile reactivated. I could understand some correspondence back and forth with the admins, bur making a blog/forum and begging people to write to them on your behalf? Even writing out a sample email for them? Lmaooooooooooo, REALLY? Have you nothing else to live for or do with your time? Damn dude…..you are one of the biggest fucking losers in the history of mankind.
No, i take that back….Fazian is the biggest fuckin loser in the history of mankind lmao. But your a close 2nd Mr. Michael.
A couple days ago , I just got my account disabled and I don’t even know why , I meaén shame on them , I’m a great user of fb , and I’m quite aware that I never didi anything wrong , I send them a lot of e-mails but no responding , or they tell me that they won’t enable my profile and ir’s a final desicion and bla bla .. anyway , if there’s anyone there who can helps , contact me on msn or smtg please.
Best regards !
me quieri ir del habbo
Radio Station Facebook Page Disabled
for Criticism of Facebook Policies!
On Friday loyal fans looking for Facebook Fan Pages of radio station KNOI Real Talk 997 and KRBR The Rebel’s – received the response “Account has been Disabled”. “Today after posting messages in response to Facebook discussions regarding Facebook’s new Privacy policies I awoke this morning to find our Facebook page disabled without explanation.” says station CEO Leo Ashcraft. The posts consisted of one – two line responses in discussion groups and pressing the like and share button on articles related to Leo Laporte’s (The Tech Guy) decision to delete his own Facebook account in protest of Facebook’s behavior regarding user privacy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_y7mMlKgjY “Additionally we pressed the like and share buttons on a few articles regarding their up and coming rival (replacement) Diaspora – http://www.joindiaspora.com/ We believe that privacy and connectedness do not have to be mutually exclusive.” said Ashcraft. A quote from the offending (to Facebook) website says, “With Diaspora, we are reclaiming our data, securing our social connections, and making it easy to share on your own terms. We think we can replace today’s centralized social web with a more secure and convenient decentralized network. Diaspora will be easy to use, and it will be centered on you instead of a faceless hub. Diaspora was announced earlier this year and requested funding in an “angel” network.” Diaspora designers requested $10,000 from members to aid in designing and launching the new social site. Nearly 6,000 people responded with donations totaling nearly $200,000. This shows the distane that is growing of Facebook members. These are members that have put their money hard earned money up to preserve the social community.
“Facebook could just have easily deleted the posts, “likes” and “shares” but they chose to disable this radio stations account instead. While we feel there is no value in the new Tyrannical Facebook policies, we do feel this is an example of the new Facebook. Your information is clearly not safe on Facebook and they clearly do not have your interests at heart in any way. If you enjoy free speech and privacy, we urge you to protest and delete your Facebook account. We ask that you contact Facebook and let them know how you feel about their recent action. ” said Ashcraft. He urged fans to take action by contacting Facebook as well as deleting their Facebook accounts in protest. “While it seems impossible to find a contact for Facebook – the following email address may work Facebook EmailThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . This is an email address I was corresponding with them a few months ago regarding an attack on our business by a former employee – which they refused to do anything about. ”
Facebook’s action today has caused the Facebook’s pages for KNOI Real Talk Radio, The WARN NET emergency weather system and The Rebel’s pages to disappear. We can no longer disseminate emergency weather information through WARN NET any longer as a result of these actions.
He says he was financially defrauded in addition, “Additionally we were Facebook advertisers and have been defrauded of unused funds paid to Facebook for this purpose. We will be contacting the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General about this criminal activity. ” And urges you to contact the station if you have similarly been defrauded. If you have been defrauded by Facebook, please contact this station.
KNOI announced a campaign about Facebook’s new privacy issues and behavior. “We will be broadcasting a report about this on our radio network and feeding this story to major media outlets worldwide. Please support us in exposing Facebook for the Tyrannical Anti-Social organization that they are and look for a new website devoted to this cause from KNOI.”
The links shared on Facebook causing Facebook to disable KNOI Radio’s account:
mike please tell me the update of your account. I mailed them. same thing happened to me as well. please help me if you can 🙁
Facebook has disabled my Facebook account “Stephen Broadbridge”.
I have never spammed anyone EVER.
I do not use bad language.
I do not stalk people.
I do not threaten people.
I am not violent.
What could I have possibly done?
To me it is especially frustrating as I depend on the social calendar and have spent 2 years tracking down high school friends. They are now all lost again without warning.
My best friend died last year. I used to enjoy logging into his page and reminiscing. This is no longer possible.
I am involved with and contribute to, many useful social and environmental programs. This will no longer be easy as most planning and communication is done through Facebook.
Facebook will not tell me what I have done so I can not defend myself. But I am not by nature an abusive or violent person and I am not likely to intentionally hurt anyone. I am completely baffled to what my crime was.
I do not think Facebook realizes how essential they have become in people’s lives and are far too quick to disable accounts.
Is there no warning system? If there was some kind of problem, could they not have told me first. I was on for a few years and without any warning at all, at a moment I am removed.
I have made contact with Facebook but it seems that they are determined to keep my profile off and will not explain or reason.
Many friends will feel hurt if they feel that I deleted them when they notice me gone.
PLEASE HELP! I will be even more careful if I am readmitted. I am not a bad person and will obey any rules once I know them.
Please Reacitive My Account Sir please
my account was disabled without any reason so i kindly inform you that you reactivate my account.Thank you
name : hassan fakih
passw: anamab7ib
email: kill_bil_lib@hotmail.com
thank you
sir i m owner of my fcebook account and im syed umair my i d is disable
kindly please restore my i d . reply must my facebook id
plzzz plzz help me fast
I really dont understand how can they just say SENDING FRIENDS REQUEST WITH OUT KNOWING with out seeing any basic facts as well so wht should ido in facebook open it every day and see the name of FB an log out with out adding any friends, oh here they say contacting friends INBOX what is this cant i reply mails to friends and send them mails is this waht u mean and the last regarding the comments of course i have given comments to friends and they also do same thing to me i lost my FB on MAY 14TH while i was chatting with my GF and all of the sudden i lost it i just given comments on ECONOMICS TIMES AND TIMES OF INDIA every body gives there own views when some thing as been askind by media it is the freedom for every 1 to express them self to say there views that is what i have done beside i realy dont understand what makes u to diable my FB i have lost all my 260 odd contacts and post and pics and mails comments and friends every thing in a split of a second it as already been 1 month still i did not get my FACEBOOK.
can i get back my FACEBOOK please my e.mail ID for FB
Thank you.
Re: re:please
From: The Facebook Team (info+0zfwom2@support.facebook.com)
Sent: 11 June 2010 20:06PM
To: nsreddy_llb@hotmail.com
Hi, Facebook User Operations has received your inquiry. Stand by as we should be back with you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our ‘Help’ page (http://www.facebook.com/help.php). You’ll find lots of information about Facebook as well as many answers to your questions. Check out the FAQs on the Support page too. Thanks for contacting Facebook and enjoy the site! -Facebook User Operations
From: The Facebook Team (info+0zfwom2@support.facebook.com)
Sent: 12 June 2010 19:07PM
To: nsreddy_llb@hotmail.com
Hi, Your account was disabled because your behavior on the site was identified as harassing or threatening to other people on Facebook. Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to: • Sending friend requests to people you don’t know• Regularly contacting strangers through unsolicited Inbox messages• Soliciting others for dating or business purposes After reviewing your situation, we have determined that your behavior violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. You will no longer be able to use Facebook. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. Please note that for technical and security reasons, we will not provide you with any further details about this decision. Thanks,The Facebook Team
Re: My Personal Profile was Disabled
From: The Facebook Team (info+ya71uu5@support.facebook.com)
Sent: 14 June 2010 11:26AM
To: nsreddy_llb@hotmail.com
Hi, Facebook User Operations has received your inquiry. Stand by as we should be back with you soon. In the meantime, we encourage you to review our ‘Help’ page (http://www.facebook.com/help.php). You’ll find lots of information about Facebook as well as many answers to your questions. Check out the FAQs on the Support page too. Thanks for contacting Facebook and enjoy the site! -Facebook User Operations
Re: My Personal Profile was Disabled
From: The Facebook Team (info+ya71uu5@support.facebook.com)
Sent: 14 June 2010 23:50PM
To: nsreddy_llb@hotmail.com
Hi, Your account was disabled because your behavior on the site was identified as harassing or threatening to other people on Facebook. Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to: • Sending friend requests to people you don’t know• Regularly contacting strangers through unsolicited Inbox messages• Soliciting others for dating or business purposes After reviewing your situation, we have determined that your behavior violated Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. You will no longer be able to use Facebook. This decision is final and cannot be appealed. Please note that for technical and security reasons, we will not provide you with any further details about this decision. Thanks,The Facebook Team
This are the mails what i got after 1 month after sending them mails again and again and they also dont know what is the reason properly not even 1 time i got any warning as well and this was my 1st time i got disable from facebook.I really dont understand how can they just say SENDING FRIENDS REQUEST WITH OUT KNOWING with out seeing any basic facts as well so wht should ido in facebook open it every day and see the name of FB an log out with out adding any friends, oh here they say contacting friends INBOX what is this cant i reply mails to friends and send them mails is this waht u mean and the last regarding the comments of course i have given comments to friends and they also do same thing to me i lost my FB on MAY 14TH while i was chatting with my GF and all of the sudden i lost it i just given comments on ECONOMICS TIMES AND TIMES OF INDIA every body gives there own views when some thing as been askind by media it is the freedom for every 1 to express them self to say there views that is what i have done beside i realy dont understand what makes u to diable my FB i have lost all my 260 odd contacts and post and pics and mails comments and friends every thing in a split of a second it as already been 1 month still i did not get my FACEBOOK.
can i get back my FACEBOOK please my e.mail ID for FB
help me shared a message and chat on my facebook account please!i could not send message on my facebook please help me asap.thanks!
sir i m owner of my fcebook account and im syed umair my i d is disable (umair_568@hotmail.com)
kindly please restore my i d . reply must my facebook id
Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
my facebook users, some time ago I was fighting my ma’s boyfriend, was wrong, the account I gave my girlfriend, when I open my account, can not perform normal (s-static.ak.facebook.com: 443 uses an invalid security certificate .
The certificate is not trusted Because the issuer certificate has expired.
The certificate will from not be valid Until 10/16/2009 6:07 AM.
(Error code: sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate) … how do I open my facebook again?! Thanks.my account
Hi,when I open my account,can not perform normal (s-static.ak.facebook.com:443 user an invalid security certificate. The certificate is not trusted becouse the issuer certificate has expired.The certificate will from not be valid until 9/10/2010 (Erorr code:sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate)….I even change the password..but nothing…please help me….how do I open my facebook again???Thanks…
Hi,when I open my account,can not perform normal (s-static.ak.facebook.com:443 user an invalid security certificate). The certificate is not trusted becouse the issuer certificate has expired.The certificate will from not be valid until 9/10/2010 (Erorr code:sec_error_expired_issuer_certificate)….I even change the password..but nothing…please help me….how do I open my facebook again???Thanks…
Well I got my profile on facebook disabled as well a week ago and still nobody. I was messaging people about my new blog and they took it as spam and they shut off my messaging privileges and then they banned me. I had such a good facebook following w/ over 1000 friends which included celebs models, and pictures and photo albums. So they kill your social life and not let you retrieve them. I sent emails saying that this was a huge misunderstanding and that I read TOS and never had a problem with them ever since I joined, tried to contact the phone #, and even contacted local tv stations that involve problem solving segments (recently) and I have not heard from nobody. I am trying to appeal it. Its so retarded especially when there are millions of hate groups and people on that site that should be banned but they disabled me over something pretty petty. I feel like a victim cause of this and I have to start from scratch again because facebook has stupid software thats program to be triggers off when somebody sends out to many messages and they dont care what the reason is. Its really pathetic especially when you cant even reason/appeal to a real person and not hear from them!
help me back to facebook
aktifkan facebook saya
my account was dissabled by mistake plz return it
hi …
i talked to facebook guys
and last thing i get from them was this mail
Facebook has policies to stop behavior that other users Your account was disabled because your behavior on the site was identified as harassing or threatening to other people on Facebook. Prohibited behavior includes, but is not limited to:
• Sending friend requests to people you don’t know
• Regularly contacting strangers through unsolicited Inbox messages
• Soliciting others for dating or business purposes
Your account will remain disabled while your case is pending. Unfortunately, we do not have a specific date for when a final decision will be made regarding your account.
For more information, we encourage you to view the following pages:
• Warnings section of the Help Center: http://www.facebook.com/help/?topic=warnings
• Facebook’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities: http://www.facebook.com/terms.php
Thanks for understanding,
The Facebook Team
is any one know what that mean … or if is it going to get working again or no ??
and how long it take ?
thank u
Facebook people are a bunch of A** holes. They just want to show how powerful they are by disabling profiles without giving any reason or any warning.
Its the worst experience on any social networking site i ever had.
FB would go down preety soon.
Please help me. I am an 82 year old woman who has been on Facebook for a couple of years. I contact my 3 children and 6 grandchildren, who all live out of State. This is my only passtime and all I have to look forward to. I am a decent person, am married to a wonderful man who is 84 years of age. The television and my computer with Facebook on it, are my life.
Have been unable to get into Facebook for 2 days now. Have tried everything to no avail. I am afraid I am going to have a heart attack if I keep trying to get on FB. Please – please help me.
Thank you so much.
Patricia Cleary Helnarski
please i want my facebook reopen . it was disable for unknow reason. cheers my name on face book is paul obasogie igbinovia
I also get the message “Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page” in Facebook & i don’t know why i account is disable in Facebook. Can any idea to get recover my Account in Facebook. My Account URL in Facebook is http://www.facebook.com/Jaihotravel. Please help me if any know. Reply me at infojaihotravel@gmail.com
i want to activate my disabled facebook account
Watch this Video about Facebook.
If you like it, share it.
sir my account was hacked some one so pls give my account back……………….
plzz help me my account disabale plz solve my problem
Please Reactivate My Account Sir
my account was disabled and I don’t know what went wrong..please help me sir…
name : mae aldave cabosura
email: llyeam@yahoo.com
thank you
Please Reacitive My Account Sir please
my account was disabled without any reason so i kindly inform you that you reactivate my account.Thank you
hey tell me how can i activate my facebook account
I am not sure whether this will work but I hope it does. On 20 August 2010 my Account was disabled. I was actually online when i was disabled and I am pretty sure i didn’t get a warning. Just the previous day I got caught to a Prank of one of my office buddies on FB, by sending a prank sms to his own profile then the following day in office we had the same situation where a friend flagged my comment that had no filth was not abusive. In fact my friend took it off as he didn’t mean it as a warning. He and I repeated sent mails to admin on this regard.
Other than that I pay mafia, farm ville, top gun, Kingdom of Camelot and also have buddies from two companies I worked for and my college mate who are all signed up. I still only had friends around 680. and I knew them most of them on a daily or weekly basis. and I never used FB to date girls as I am not interested and My girl friend had access to my profile. And no i didn’t use my profile for business purposes. I mean come on who would do a business profile with 32 albums on photo’s of friends family and loved one in it. its not logical
However If I am not supposed to have Fine I ll take a bow but I am repeatedly being requesting for FACEBOOK to release copies of my albums as I dont have copies of all the albums that were in my profile and that actually is all the pics taken from 2007 up to last week. I can prove all allegations to be incorrect and false. I again request FB to please Kindly reactivate my account or at-least let me have access to my albums so that i can download my own pictures.
thanking you
Yesterday 30 August 2010
TODAY they refused password
and REPEAT=======every password THEY sent me===
down to moment after 7th password THEY sent
telling me I was refused entrance.
All I wanted to do was respond to Karen in Kansas
who had asked me for a picture!!!
So again
THEY have all MY information
and I can’t get to it myself…
STILL curious to know WHAHOPPEN to my account with FACEBOOK?????
my facebook profile got disabled of no reason on july 6th
can u help me to get it back i hav lost all contacts
my facebook login is mohit4ualwaysonline@yahoo.com
My real account has been disabled by administrator. I am using this account for 3 years. I have 550+ friends, almost 50 personal photo album and some facebook applications. I didn’t get any warning before banned. I didn’t misused it, If I violate any terms then its not intentionally. If facebook implement any new privacy policy then they should warn first for that. Directly disable is very frustrating.
My real account id : sumon029@yahoo.com
Hi i opened a new facebook account from the pier 1 website not realizing it with the same passwork & e-mail & now i’m unable to access my old facebook profile. When i log on my new facebook profile shows up with no info, no friends, etc. My new account is to be deleted in 14 days. Please help me how to recover my old profile. Thank you.
hello there just needed a help, my friends have been blocked how can they rejoin again if there are any suggestions it would be very helpful looking forward for your replies please reply as soon as possible…………………………….
Hi my name is Moeniba I am very upset I cannot access facebook I have been trying for 1 week.It keeps telling me my password is incorrect.It totally annoys me.Please assist,
Dear Mark,
I wasn’t login the Facebook. These pages always gave that message ( Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.) Please help me. What can I do about that? I don’t know why my account disabled. I did nothing wrong. Is it possible that you can reactivate my account? I also would like to know why is it disabled. I have very important datas in this account. Please help me with this situation. I apologise for my mistakes but I really don’t know what i did wrong. I m waiting your suggests and soonest reply.
Best regards.
Nazmus Sakeb Tanvir
Name – Nazmus Sakeb Tanvir
Date of Birth – 01/01/1983
E-mail – tanvir_sandwip@yahoo.com
I wasn’t login the Facebook. These pages always gave that message ( Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.) Please help me. What can I do about that? I don’t know why my account disabled. I did nothing wrong. Is it possible that you can reactivate my account? I also would like to know why is it disabled. I have very important datas in this account. Please help me with this situation. I apologise for my mistakes but I really don’t know what i did wrong. I m waiting your suggests and soonest reply.
I wasn’t login the Facebook. These pages always gave that message ( Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.) Please help me. What can I do about that? I don’t know why my account disabled. I did nothing wrong. Is it possible that you can reactivate my account? I also would like to know why is it disabled. I have very important datas in this account. Please help me with this situation. I apologise for my mistakes but I really don’t know what i did wrong. I m waiting your suggests and soonest reply.
ram prasaad
EMAIL : prasaadram4@gmail.com
date of birth : 26/10/1985
my facebook account is Disabled sir plese enable my facebook account my id :rohan.sharma00@yahoo.co.in
see this
pls help me get my account back
Hy I,m sorry facebook i would like 2 have back my account please.
Hy facebook I,m sorry I would like 2 have back my account please. that is the only way I get in touch with my family or poeple. If you can please forgive me I would like back my account.I,m realy sorry
Hi,my facebook account was disabled please help me correct it this is the only best way to connect my family and friends i will be so happy if you can correct it for me.thanks. Prince Momoh Adeleye Ahmed
I don’t understand why my facebook page is gone tryed to log in one day and it was no longer actiive. I would like to know why I put a lot of work into that and can I get it back
Pls facebook has disabled my acconut pls am begin you d name of god what can i do to get it back.
I accidentally removed my profile pictures just now, can you please help me bring it back? facebook to me would useless without pictures to see…
thank you so much,
My facebook account is disabled and now i want it to be enabled/reinstated
My account just got disabled for no reason!!! =(
My email fjolla.pula@hotmail.com was hacked on 22/11/2010..
I login on Facebook account with that same email,until I’ve see this hacking..
My account was deactivated because I have raised its request to make this conclusion. I have a need to do this, because I had no access to my account in hotmail(fjolla.pula@hotmail.com), and can not accept and send a message from that account. My account was misused and hacked, but now I’ve returned this account.
All I ask you what is to me back my account here, search everything you need to believe that I am the owner of this account!
When I try to login on my account I see this mesage
Account Disabled
Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here.
Can you tell me what to do,to recover my account again?
I have 5 days that i spended to tell us,that I have regain my email adress,and you don’t help me to recover my account on Facebook!
I’ll wait to solve my problem!
Thank U
I don’t know why my account is disabled.If I do any think wrong soI fell sorry & appolized me. Plz back me my account & again i fell sorry.
Thank you.
I was disabled yesterday and have no idea why. I think we should ban together and fight I’m super pist about as all my holiday invites were via fb and now I can’t view them. No warning! Please feel free to email me to discuss further, I’m thinking of talking to a lawyer fir a class action thing, what’s your opinion?
Please re-anable my facebook account, I cannot reach out to my friends and family.
Thanks, FredQ
My acct. Has been blocked n I need to restore it back.
i joined facebook just over a week ago my account has been disabled i used the account to find my dad i believe it has been because of the actions of family members who i have no wish to be in contact with can i please have it restored as it is the means which i use to now keep in contact with them
sir mera acount displeyed ho gaya h.
Plz mara acount start kijiye requst h
my fb account was disabled.i need my account back pls help
please able my face book.
■Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page
Hi im here because my facebook account has been disabled and I don’t know why how do I get it enabled
Your account has been disabled. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page
my account was disabled
whenever i loggin to facebook it says my account was disabled
whenever i loggin to facebook it says my account was disabled
my fb account was disabled, i need my account back please help me
pls i canot get intourch with my facebook and email pls help bcse i has many things to do right now
10 days back my fb account was disabled, plz… I need back my account, plz get it back my account, fb team plz look at my problem
Buena me han desactivado mi cuenta en Facebook y no se por que motivo por favor con la mayor brevedad pido que me la volváis a activar gracias saludos
Buenas tardes se me han desastivado micuenta en Facebook y estoy todo el día con el Facebook por favor os pido k me activéis mi cuenta a la mayor brevedad posible un saludo gracias
plz i can,t get in so plz open my account i have a lot of stuff and if i can.t do it my whole plans will be disturbed and i have a lot of work to do.
My account was diabled for the past week now and i need it to be enable because is imperative to me.
My facebook account was disabled, due to the fact that i have up to three accounts. My two previous accounts are not in use cos i have lost access to them. Kindly delete my previous two accounts and retrieve my recent account. thanks.
Sir my facebook acount is disable without reason. Please enable my acount.
Get married, in any case. If you happen to get a good mate, you will be happy; if a bad one, you will become philosophical, which is a fine thing in itself. ~Socrates, in Diogenes Laertius, Lives
please help me to open my account
facebook has disabled my account by mistake dont know why it happened
Please un disable my facebook account. I am vanessa pender.
my facebook account was disabled. i appealled for reactivation of my account which has not been done upto now.
my fb account is disabled and there is no respons from help page so what should i do
i wish to apologize for the terrible mistake I’ve done upon your site.i may urge you,to consider my apology because right now I’ve discovered that i,ve ruined hearts of many and i promise i will never repeat the same.
although most of the pictures found in my profile were being tagged by most of friends but i’ll now caution them on repeat of the same.
please hear my request and enable my account.
my facebook account was disabled my account.please un disable my facebook.. im janice seban
They are saying my acc is disable what have I done im sorry pls I cant connect to my friends with out it pls I need it back.
i wish to apologize for the terrible mistake I’ve done upon your site.
please hear my request and enable my account.
My account was disabled I don’t know why. Please un disable my account and I wish to apologize for my mistake.. My name Is Gregorio