Three Ways to Help in Haiti

Like everyone else on the planet, Jasmin and I have been thinking about and praying for the people of Haiti after their devastating earthquake experience. Moving to translate our prayers into action, we are considering where to give our resources. I’m sure there are many worthwhile efforts on the ground; here are three that we know about, trust and recommend.

  1. Bart Campolo and EAPE. (HT: TSK)
  2. The Mennonite Central Committee (HT: HH)
  3. Compassion International (HT: Wes)

And if you want to actually go to Haiti, I can’t think of anyone crazier better to do it with than Shaun King.

Let’s keep praying and turning our prayers to action for Haiti’s tomorrow.

2 Responses to Three Ways to Help in Haiti

  1. Ephemeral Thoughts January 17, 2010 at 8:20 pm #

    Hey Mike! Here is the linkback to my blog post on Haiti and various charity organizations as requested. 🙂

    Ephemeral Thoughts Post on Haiti – Please Read!


  1. ‘All Will Be Well’ – Polyanna Platitude or Responsible Mystical Theodicy? « zoecarnate - February 2, 2010

    […] words), and really, what else is there to say? I had nothing to say about the earthquake in Haiti besides this…until now. Shaun King is an intriguing cat. He started this multi-ethnic Courageous Church […]

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