Save the Date: July 4-5th in Orlando, Florida.
Through my work with many gifted authors via Speakeasy, two of the most frequently asked questions I get are:
1) How do I get people to read my blog – and actually make money blogging?
2) I’m a new author and I want to know how I can find the readers I know are out there. In fact, I’d love to hit a best-seller list while I’m at it. What separates the word-of-mouth phenoms from the hundreds of thousands of forgotten books published each year?
Because I’ve worked to help launch best-selling books like Paul Young’s The Shack, Francis Chan’s Crazy Love, and Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christianity, I’ve learned a thing or two about what makes the difference between ubiquity and anonymity. My experience using movement-building social media strategies to help grow events, including one I grew from just an idea to 1700 attendees in its first year can be used to grow your readership as an author.
So I decided to co-create a seminar to show you just how to do this – while earning a steady living as a full-time blogger, if you’d like. I wanted to help create a seminar that helps you create Buzz – around your passion, your message, and your writing. And so, The Buzz Seminar was born.
I always say that relationships are my greatest source of wealth; to truly make this seminar be all that it can be, I turned to my long-time friend Frank Viola to co-lead The Buzz. Frank is an amazing teacher with a wealth of experience; he’s mastered earning income through blogging, and five of his books have hit four different best-seller lists.
Frank has distilled all of his knowledge into priceless, practical strategies to help bloggers and authors become successful at their craft. And he’ll be sharing it all in the upcoming Buzz Seminar.
Before we get ahead of ourselves, let me be clear on what this 2-day seminar is and isn’t:
1) The Buzz Seminar is not a faith-based event, nor is it ministry. It’s a business event that’s designed to train any blogger and any author, regardless of their faith orientation (or lack thereof).
2) The Buzz Seminar is not a casual event. It’s a highly intensive training; think of it as an immediately-practicable certification program in the skills of branding and community-creation. The Buzz Seminar provides tools, resources, skills, and expert knowledge on how to use a trade (blogging and writing) that earns real income.
3) The Buzz Seminar is not inexpensive. Like going to school for a trade, the Buzz Seminar is an investment for your career and your future. Unlike so many seminars for platform-builders, we aren’t promising that you will get rich off of your blog or book. But we are telling you that it’s very possible to earn consistent, livable income if a.) You have a compelling message to share, and b.) You put the principles we teach into practice. For that reason, we’re calling this a seminar for “blue-collar” bloggers and authors – ordinary people who are willing to do what it takes to earn a living from their passion.
4) While this event isn’t inexpensive, it is less expensive than any other seminar or workshop covering similar topics. We’ve investigated them all; those other seminars and workshops charge anywhere from $2,000 to $25,000 per person! The Buzz Seminar is less expensive, yet the content is equally (or more) valuable.
Who this seminar is not for:
- Casual bloggers who blog as a hobby.
- Best-selling authors who already have an enormous platform (Neil Gaiman, Seth Godin, and Anne Rice need not apply! But call me…).
- Those who are unwilling to make a financial investment to learn how to earn income.
- Those uninterested in earning money by blogging or writing books.
You won’t want to miss this seminar if . . .
- You are frustrated that very few people read your blog posts.
- You already have a decent readership, but you want to take your blog to the next level.
- You want to earn income by blogging.
- You want to know how to publish a book – and publish well.
- You want to know how to get people to notice and read your book.
- You want to learn how to build an audience that regularly reads your work.
- You want to know how to hit at least one best-seller list with your book.
- You want to network with other bloggers and authors and learn from them.
If this describes you and you are interested in attending this event in July, registration closes June 1st. Register today!
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