Trinity in Song: The Divine Dances through Tim Coons


When I originally posted the poem You Are the Dance, I invited musicians to record their renditions of it if they felt so inspired.

Artist Tim Coons took me up on it – the week his daughter was born!

I was stunned by the results, a three-part harmonic ode of joy and celebration.

It was recently released as part of Tim’s retrospective collection, Haystacks: A Collection of Favorite Songs.

Here’s the track:

Tim sat down with me (virtually speaking) to chat about the song. Here’s our conversation:

Tim: How was it for you to have a poem you had written (that came not just from your head, but from your heart and guts as well) be taken and turned into a song? Especially since it wasn’t in a style you imagined? Was it difficult collaborating on something that was close to you?

Mike: It was flipping awesome! As a non-musician and even (I’d say) a non-poet (I’m pretty prosaic), I’d written this piece after being on a major “Trinity kick,” reflecting on the relational nature of God and what God’s Three-in-Oneness means for human community. Having you email me out of the blue, having already recorded a rough cut, underscores some of the Trinitarian energy I’m beginning to notice more and more in the universe – among friends, and even strangers. It’s a pattern recognition thing.

Tim: In what way can art express aspects of the Trinity, perhaps where prose doesn’t?

Mike: Well, the idea of ‘One God in three persons’ is a logical contradiction. It doesn’t work as math, and it doesn’t usually work as prose without spilling a ton of overwrought ink. But a story? A poem? A song? These can truly ‘eff the ineffable,’ and bring to life a reality more sublime and nourishing than prose alone can.

Tim: Were there any moments in the song that brought out a line or nuance of your poem in a way that was surprising to you (bringing enrichment to your own work)?

Mike: Yes indeed – when it broke out into three-part harmony. : ) That was great. And having one of these be a feminine voice a fitting touch.

Tim: Where does the song best embody your heart behind the poem?

Mike: The entire song reflects my heart, which is to marvel as this kinetic, dancing community we call “God” – but I have to say, when you break out in falsetto & the three-part harmony explodes on the scene…that about sums it up. : )

Tim: Thanks, Mike! And let me know if you ever want to workshop a song together/ write something together again! I had a blast.

Mike: Oh, I’ll be in touch – after all, my upcoming book needs a kickin’ soundtrack! : )

Tim Coons is a sketchy character - in the best way. Art by Garrett Leonnig.

Tim Coons is a sketchy character – in the best way. Art by Garrett Leonnig.

Tim Coons’ wordsmithing genius and musical power shine through in unique solo albums, work with his wife Betony in Giants and Pilgrims, and even a classic Enter the Worship Circle album. You should check him out!

And of course, if you don’t yet have my book with Fr. Richard Rohr, The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Transformation – what are you waiting for? Ask for it at your local bookstore or library, or find it online through one of these sellers.  I hope you’ve already availed yourself of the exclusive bonus chapter + exercise I’m offering right here.

5 Responses to Trinity in Song: The Divine Dances through Tim Coons

  1. Darrell Grizzle November 22, 2011 at 2:36 pm #

    Great song! Thanks for the free downloads!


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