Shocking, I know. He’s someone I’ve known and trusted for years, since college. But sometimes, at 7 in the morning (whenever I’m up that early), I hear a sound in my garage. By the time I check, I usually see a car whizzing around the cul-de-sac. For you see, my neighbor has been breaking into my garage every morning for months.
Now it helps that he has a key – very clever of him. And it also helps that he doesn’t take anything – except for some time and usage of my ROM. I asked my regular intruder what this surreptitious experience has been like for him thus far – here’s what he’s got to say for himself:
I am an insurance agent and my days are busy most every day until it’s dark. I find it hard to get out and get a run in or go workout. I was looking for something to start my day, but without having to pay a gym fee and get up at 5am since I am not really a morning person. Mike had mentioned trying this range of motion thing and I was not sure it would work but I wanted to try. He said if I worked out for four minutes, I would become more toned and loss weight. So I started using the Rom after the first of the year and at that time I weighed close 180 lbs. I also started a “no sweets diet” for about a month and a half. After the diet and using the ROM almost every weekday and playing ultimate frisbee on the weekends I was down to 170 by April 20! Currently I am back to eating fairly normal, which for me is a lot, and I have maintained weight at 170. My next goal is to see if I can drop another five pounds by the end of July. If nothing else the ROM has been a great way to start my day!
Not a morning person and yet in my garage around 6 or 7 every morning? You could’ve fooled me, neighbor.
It’d be interesting to see if you changed the lock, what measures your neighbor would go to to still get into your garage every morning…just sayin’
and you’ve only posted like 4 times since your confessional promise of 5 days per week …. geez, i think that’s a much bigger offense than breaking and entering