In addition to ROMming for my exercise, I’ve been on the lookout for potentially related natural services or vistas being offered that aid others on their whole-health journeys. One I kept on hearing about was the Spinal Rejuvenation Table, something that would relieve disc pressure and aid the healing and relaxation of old discs. Having received chiropractic care since childhood (with no serious injuries sustained), my low-back is in great shape – but I was curious as to what the experience might be for others. I asked Dr. Joe Harris at North Raleigh Chiropractic if I could film a Spinal Rejuvenation procedure & speak to a patient about their experience. He agreed, and we found a patient brave enough to be a YouTube star. This is the result:
I became pretty interested in the procedure myself, and underwent my own session. (I filmed it, but the tripod positioned my camera in the wrong place so it cut off most of the procedure. Alas, this film shall never see the light of day) My experience is much like that of the patient’s I interviewed: It feels uncomfortable at first, but then strangely right. Afterward, I felt a definite difference in my spine – a certain ‘lightness.’ I won’t be continuing Spinal Rejuvenation therapy in Raleigh as we’re moving this summer, but when I get to Atlanta, who knows?
Wow. That looks crazy. I have some really bad back problems, and I might consider something like this…
I wonder if it would make my 5 foot 2 taller…
I always say I’m not overweight but underheight 😉