Sunday Devotional: Sara Miles – Jesus Says GO!

In the midst of all the (well-deserved) hoopla surrounding the release of Brian’s A New Kind of Christianity, it is literarily crucial not to lose sight of another, equally-important book that released this month: Jesus Freak: Feeding/Healing/Raising the Dead by Sara Miles. I really think that both of these books could well define Western Christianity’s soul-searching in the second decade of the 21st-century.

I’m not going to do a full book review today – this week, God-willing! – but for now I’ll just say that Sara’s book works on the reader in a whole different way than Brian’s; whereas Brian’s adeptly takes you on a journey through Scripture, church history, and the genealogy of ideas, Sara’s book is hyper-local (rarely, if ever, venturing outside of her home city of San Francisco) and deeply embodied – it’s story after story after story, driving a central theme home: God lives in us, and Jesus gives us the authority to feed, heal, forgive, and practice resurrection. Here is Sara reading an excerpt from Jesus Freak (this is what inspired the non-technological part of my KedgeForward Theology After Google Preview Talk):

The blogosphere has been positively abuzz about Sara’s infectious story and embodied spirituality. Here are some of the highlights:

Bill Dahl

Carl McColman

Faith Matters

Father Jake

In Touch Magazine (In Touch?? Isn’t that Charles Stanley’s magazine?? Wow!)

Journey With Jesus

Matthew Paul Turner


Reiter’s Block

Rhodes Network


Spirituality & Practice

Through A Glass Darkly

Walking With God


Weary Pilgrim

Why Is Marko

Wrecked for the Ordinary

Wounded Bird

Yearns & Groans

Left-wing Lesbian author comes out as a Jesus freak and claims power to feed the hungry, heal the sick, and raise the dead – Religion Writers. Now that’s an attention-grabbing headline!

(My previous posts about Sara are here and here.)

This was originally posted on February 14, 2010. 

3 Responses to Sunday Devotional: Sara Miles – Jesus Says GO!

  1. Erin Wilson February 14, 2010 at 10:40 pm #

    I read this last week. And if the pile of books by my bed wasn’t so tall, I would have started in on it again right away. Loved it. It challenged me in so many ways that matter.


  1. Three Things Jesus Freaks Do « Isaac Butterworth | A fire in the heart…a light in the eye - December 23, 2010

    […] Morrell’s post on Zoecarnate features a brief video (3 minutes, 5 seconds) in which Sara offers an introduction to her book. Another video (length: 1 […]

  2. Send in the Clowns! « zoecarnate - May 23, 2011

    […] a party!” So says Tony Campolo (and Robert Farrar Capon, and John Crowder, and Ben Dunn, and Sara Miles, and Bruce Chilton, and Hafiz…need I go on?), but so few people believe […]

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