Hi friend,
Thanks so much for reading this humble blog. With everything you else you doubtless receive and could be reading, I don’t take it for granted that you let me visit your screen.
I’ve come to realize that the weeks in which I take time to live, reflect, and write it down for you, I experience more joy in my life. And so, I’m intentionally structuring my life to do more of that. I’m working to ‘up’ the writing I share with you, in both quality and quantity. I’m working with an awesome team that’s helping me create the time to do this.
Because my interests are so varied (it’s okay—you can say ‘random’), I wanted to check in and see which of the areas I love writing and sharing about most resonate with you.
Your answers will help me know what to focus on over the next year, and what like-hearted organizations I can team up with to make this journey even more sustainable.
Feel free to skip any questions you don’t want to answer, for any reason. And, all questions are anonymous, so share whatever you’d like.
Thanks in advance!
In gratitude,
Will you be publishing the results of this survey? It’s always interesting to see what people think.