We’re living in a moment of jarring cultural shift. Sometimes it feels like the change of pace is relentless, doesn’t it?
Yet our spiritual traditions offer a great wellspring of practices that can ground us in the Holy Spirit if we turn to them. In our dialogue, The Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining invites us to explore some of these practices — new and old — that can bring wisdom and joy to our souls.
In our session together, you’ll discover:
- Every 500 years, there are huge shifts in society and spirituality
- When these shifts happen, mystics rise up to meet the spiritual needs of their times
- This mystic linage has left us with deep tools to keep our souls at peace in these shifting times
Hillary and I had such a wonderful exchange. It was originally exclusively available via the Mystics Summit I co-hosted, but now this entire conversation is available to you, right here:
Want to go deeper? This month, Hillary and The Shift Network are launching a full-length course to explore the powerful intersection of the Way of Jesus, indigenous American wisdom, and Christian mysticism!
As we navigate this time of enormous societal upheaval, it’s understandable to be anxious about the future, even if we’re on a spiritual path.
While these are stressful and scary times to live through, what if this moment is actually a chapter in a much larger story that’s unfolding?
During these periods of spiritual revolution, Hillary shows us how mystics and trailblazing wisdom schools respond to the moment, supporting and guiding seekers as they spiritually evolve.
How do we put our focus on what God is birthing in us, so we can help propel this positive future?
You’ll explore the evolution we’re being called to as people of faith in this pivotal moment, in Discover Hive Christianity for Your Spiritual Illumination: A New Vision for Spiritual Practice — Integrating Indigenous Wisdom, Earth Stewardship & Forgotten Ways of Worship.
In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:
- A 5-step meditation to cultivate peace and joy as you learn where Spirit is calling you to use your gifts during this pivotal time
- The 500-year shifts in Christianity’s history — and what you can learn from the mystic ancestors who lived through them
- The teachings of Ignatius of Loyola, a trailblazing mystic who espoused the principle of using joy and pleasure as your guide — your spiritual GPS — especially during times of spiritual turmoil
- How fear and trauma keep us in an immature mental and emotional state — and how gratitude is scientifically proven to heal trauma and rewire the brain
- How Hillary discerned Hive Christianity as a 21st-century upgrade to faith, inspired by the way bees work together in the hive toward a common goal — and how you can begin planting your own seeds of spiritual evolution
I’ve been quite taken with how Hillary beautifully integrates her Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indian heritage with emotionally-healthy, biblically and theologically literate Christian mysticism. She’s a significant new voice of wisdom who can help you navigate our current chaotic global transitions in a whole new light.
What I especially appreciate are the tools she offers to cultivate peace and a greater awareness of how Spirit has been speaking to us all along. If you’re open, the tools she shares in this additional session can illuminate where you need support to heal and use your gifts in this new place we find ourselves in.
You can RSVP for free here, right here.
I hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.
Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining wears many hats: she is an Episcopal Priest and Rector of St. Christopher Episcopal Church in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania (the first woman to serve in this role). She is also a founder of The Hive a home for wellness, spirituality, and growth. She is the Founding Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at the General Theological Seminary in New York City and the current Director of the Center for Christian Spirituality. She is a member of the Sault Ste Marie Tribe of Chippewa Native Americans and a published author of several books and peer review journal articles. She recently published an article in The Anglican Theological Review on “blood memory and gratitude as a multi-lineage spiritual practice.” The Rev. Dr. Raining earned her Doctor of Ministry from Drew University, her Master of Divinity from Yale University and the Institute of Sacred Music, and a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Psychology from Moravian University. She was a guest teacher in the Mystics Summit, hosted by Carmen Acevedo Butcher and Mike Morrell, and his presently hosting her own full-length course, Discover Hive Christianity for Your Spiritual Illumination: A New Vision for Spiritual Practice — Integrating Indigenous Wisdom, Earth Stewardship & Forgotten Ways of Worship. Hillary is also a yoga & meditation teacher, a 4th generation bee-keeper, and a wife & mom. You can find her online at HillaryRaining.com.
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